Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • These themes are really cool man. However, from a seo perspective, I worry about alot of images slowing down load time. Your page loads FAST, any tips you can give would be appreciated

    • Try the layout2 option… this won’t load that many images…

  • Hello, I’m using your theme, and I wanna know if you can tell me how can I change the “{more…}” text with something else. Thanks for your time.

  • I’m having issues with the image align. When I align them right or left, the text only wraps the paragraph that it is in. How do I make it to it wraps all of the text no matter what paragraph it is in?


    Thanks for the help! 🙂

    • You can merge the two paragraphs and use


      tag where you want line break. make usre you do it in html mode of the editor.

    • I’m having the same problem. Already tried merging paragraphs many times. It works only in the single post page but not in the index (layout 2). The text doesn’t wraps the image at all!

      Is there something wrong with the css? Would you please check and help me out?

      Thanks so much.

    • Use



  • Hey Love the Scylla Lite theme!
    The slider stopped working all of a sudden, and the twitter sharing doesn’t work.
    Any tips?

    • Uninstall the the simple social bar plugin.

  • Hi Towfiq,

    is there a way to use the slider not only on the frontpage but also in the post- view and category- view?

    nice theme
    thank you

  • Hi Towfiq,
    AWSOME theme!
    I have a problems with “Slider”
    What size of Slider’s picture?

    thx for your answer!!!

    • width: 625px
      Height: 250px

  • Hey, I havent been able to change the title.. I had it set to “Test” from a different theme and with this theme there is no option to change it??

    • Are you talking about the site title?

  • Hi, nyc work man! but take a look at my website…

    the post author is not displaying…

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “single.php” from right and find this line:

      if it’s not there, put it after “by”

  • Is there a way to delete the social share icons on the top of the pages?

    • Go to Scylla Lite Options and Then click the “Frontpage” tab then click th social link from right and check the “Hide all the Social Icons” option.

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