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Jetpack-share options

Home Forums Free Theme Support Scylla Lite Jetpack-share options

  • #546407


    Can you help? I have installed Jetpack and incorporated the share buttons to each post/page but not to the slider. The slider is showing the ‘share this’ sign so I contacted Jetpack

    I asked the Jetpack people this question yesterday:

    I have not enabled ‘Slider’ in the share options, yet it still attaches itself to my slider and more often than not removes the images as they slide past. When I disable ‘Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results’ this problem goes away but also takes away the share option for my latest posts on the front page.

    This was their reply today:

    This sounds like an issue with the theme you’ve chosen and the way it’s displaying that slider. The sharing buttons in Jetpack hook onto the end of the_content() in WordPress, which is used for posts and things, but generally wouldn’t be used for sliders as far as I know.

    Could you check with your theme developer to see if they might have a solution or code snippet that could solve this for you?

    Thank you Towfiq

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