Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • How do I assign a post as the “featured” post? Or can I somehow delete the “featured” box from the top of the page? (Okay, yes, I feel silly for my ignorance – soory ’bout that!)

    • Go to Appearance> Scylla Lite Options and read the “Documentation” tab.

  • How do I modify that big box at the top that is for me, currently blank with the word “Featured” at the top? Is there a way to assign a post as the “featured post?” (Why can’t I figure this out?? Thx!)

    • You have to setup the slider. Go to your wordpress admin panel and on the left side menus under the “comments” There is a menu that says “Slider” you have to add slides from there. It is all written in the documentation tab of the theme option panel.

  • Hi check this new color theme which I’ve created using your theme

    I found your theme very helpful for my site!! big thanks 🙂

  • 3 questions on Scylla lite – 1) I can not get a favicon added for the life of me. I’ve tried inserting every single coding mentioned in various forums, to no avail. I uploaded the favicon (in the correct .ico format) to my media directory but it still doesn’t seem to be working. Any other suggestions?

    2) I f’ed up the little arrows for prev/next button on the slider by accident. Can you give me the original coding on that so I can set it back to normal?

    3) How do I make the font on the right menu different from the posts themselves and the first paragraph or so that appears on the main page. I just want the right sidebar that lists the posts to have the list in a different font if possible.

    Thanks! Great theme!

  • Is it possible to change slider’s ribbon color in Scylla Lite?

    • And what is a Fancybox?

    • sorry. only possible in Scylla Pro.

      You can read about fancybox here:

      When you click on an image of your post it will appear with a nice little effect on a nice window.

    • so date ribbon color and post title in single post page also cannot be edited? i want to add to single page post title same ribbon as slider has.

  • Is there a way to move the slider to a different page?

  • Hello, I have a question
    How can I adjust that no more than 6 items will be displayed on the homepage?
    And why my header is so broad? In the demo is not!

    By the way: Sorry for my bad English, I’m from Germany


  • Loving this theme, just what I need but I need one thing a header at the top of the page using and testing the Scylla Lite if this works I will buy the pro can you help

  • how do you add more than one featured image to a slider? Every time I set an image as a featured image, it replaces the old one, but I just want to add…

    • Each slide could only contain 1 image.. Go to Appearance> Scylla lite Options and in the slider settings select the number of slides you want to show…

    • i selected to show 5 slides, but the result is the same…do i have to add 5 different sliders?

    • i tried selecting to show 5 slides, but the result is the same…do i have to add 5 different sliders?

    • Yes!

    • okay thanks!

  • i have problem with slide show, can you help me : (

    • Remove the “Sociable” plugin.

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