Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Under Sylla Lite Theme Options > Appearance > Font >>> I set it as Yanone_kaffeesatz but the font isn’t changing. Can you let me know what Im doing wrong?

    Awesome and beautiful theme btw…

    • What version of the theme are you using? What is your site address?

    • Im running 3.1.3 and I sent you the site address via the contact form.

    • Scylla lite 1.7 *sorry

  • w00w nice one .. like it

  • When I insert images, I am not getting word wrap when the image is placed to the right.


    • It looks fine to me.

    • I want the text positioned to the left of the photo. Instead there is a huge blank space to the left of the photo.

      So I’ve spent the last 3 days painting the walls in our garage. It’s taken a lot longer than I thought it would. It’s not just painting the walls…

      On one wall I needed to remove some ugly non-functional shelves and then put up some beautiful new ones… and then put all the stuff back in place in bins.

    • put the first two paragraphs at the top then put your image then put another paragraph to wrap the image with text.

    • Let’s keep trying… I want the photo at the top right at the same level as my name, Rick Amos.

      In this version, I did what you suggested, but the photo is too far down and there is a big space.

      Any other suggestions? When I insert the photo at the very top it looks great on the editing screen, but then there is a big gap of space after one sentence.

  • Also, is there a way to make the Slider more automatic?
    If I want to feature a post, I have to create a whole new slider including: title, featured image and link.

    • Sorry not possible.

  • Hello, I dont know if i am just stupid or what but i cant find how to add my info to the social buttons?

    • Go to Appearance> Scylla lite options and then click the social tab for social icons settings.

    • Wow i am a retard thanks for the quick reply

  • Hi, I just purchased the scylla pro wordpress theme, when will i get it please?

  • Hi, Great theme. My problem is that the social buttons don’t appear on the front page. They only appear if you load the post into a page by itself. Any help appreciated.

  • Good day.
    I am using scyla lite for constructing a simply web page for a friend of mine.
    I want to delete -hide a few things.

    1) inside the posts I want to delete -hide the time and date stamp.
    2) inside the posts I want to delete -hide : by admin (created)
    3) inside and outside (thumbnail) posts I want to delete the 0 comm.
    4) the same as above delete Category : Uncategorized.

    Great theme.
    Thanks for your time
    All the best

  • Hello,

    I inserted the mailchimp sign up form widget and I am just asking for their email address. However, the title “Sign up for our e-newsletter” is covering the text area where people will type in their email address.

    • sorry… I guess I am asking how do I get the “email” text area to move down so that the title “Sign up for our e-newsletter” does not block it?

      Thank you and I love the theme.


    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add these line:

      #sidebar .widgettitle {margin-top: -40px;}
      #sidebar .widget_wrap {padding-top: 40px!important;}

      and then click the “Update File” button below.


    check this link and please suggest the probliem!! widget bar location error.. rest ol other pages are fyn.

    • Avoid the Angelia theme since it is not up-to-date.

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