Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.
  • 4 Skins
  • 1 slider
  • 2 Layouts
  • 2 Patterns.
  • 3 custom widgets.
  • 5 easy to use shortcodes.(Hard-coded in Post Editor)
  • 2 WordPress 3.0 Menu Position.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
  • 3 Awesome fonts.
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Gravatar Support.
  • 3 custom page template
  • Fancy lightbox
  • IE6 Browser Upgrade Alert!
  • Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • Well-written documentation
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+

version 1.8.2
+ Initial Release

1. what should be the dimension of the slider images?

A: width: 625px Height: 250px


2. I can’t make link to other website, and when I make link to an other page of my website, it opens in lightbox windows.

A: Open up fancybox.js and find this line:


and replace it with:

jQuery(“.hasimg[href$=’.jpg’], .hasimg[href$=’.png’], .hasimg[href$=’.gif’]“).fancybox({

You can edit the file with your ftp application or “Wp-File Manger” Plugin.
3. How can I make a catergory section look the same as my home page?

A: Download this file:

Extract the category.php file inside it and upload the php file to the “ScyllaLite” directory of your site using FTP.


4. The images inside the lightbox is being stretched when viewed by Safari Browser, How do I fix this?

A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet(style.css):

#fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}


5. My Quote shortcode is not working. How do I fix it?

A: The quote shortcode has a bug, to fix it find this in your stylesheet:


and replace it with:

6. I want to use the ‘Featured Posts Widget’ in the sidebar, but despite selecting a category, it keeps outputting the loop of all posts.

A: You will have to put your category id, not name.


The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Scylla Lite Scylla PRO
For Life
One time payment
Skins 4 Unlimited
(Ability to change the color of almost all the elements)
Fonts 3 12
Layouts 2 5
Slider 1 2
Shortcodes 5 20
Widgets 3 8
Widget Areas Sidebar Widgets Sidebar Widgets/ Footer Widgets
Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu
Page Templates 3 3
Upload LOGO



Social Share buttons/Numbered Page Navigation



Related Posts



Google Analytics



Threaded comments/Separated Comments & Trackbacks



IE6/ IE7 Browser Upgrade Alert!



Fancy lightbox



Full Email support



Forum support



Upgrade to PRO

  • Thanks for amazingly quick (and accurate) respons.

    Can you perhaps recommend another Calendar plugin that is compatible?


    • sorry I haven’t tested any calender plugin with this theme.

  • I love your theme!
    Just one question though: I have made a fixed page without slider the homepage and now I want to show the slider on a second page, which functions as a news page. How can I do this?

  • Adding to my previous post: I guess I would be helped if I could move the homepage with my latest posts and the slider to a specific other page within my site, and have the homepage be a static page.
    Is this possible?

  • Resolved.

  • Can I add a menu to the header? If so, what do I need to put in the functions.php and header.php for it to work correctly?

    • theres already a menu in the header.

  • Hi Towfiq !
    it’s a awesome theme i have ever seen. for the last some days i had downloaded several themes for my site. but none of them are working fine. your theme is superb. and i have one question. i would like to show only excerpt/summary in category page. how can i do it ?

    • open up index.php and replace this line:


  • ok, now home page slider is working for me. is there’s any option to reduce the slider width ?

    • Add this to your stylesheet:

      #slider li{width:600px!important;}

  • Hi Towfiq !

    i have two more questions.
    1. how to show category name above post thumbnails ( below the slider show) in home page

    2. in posts page, at bottom it shows” 0comments”. how can i remove it ?

    thanks in advance

  • 1. open up layout1.php and add this line:

    after this:

    2. Add this to your stylesheet:

    #lay1 .block_comm{display:none;}

    • 1. sorry. i couldn’t get u. which line should i add, after this

  • thanks a lot for your valuable support. is it possible to hide pagination in home page alone ? i want to display it in archieves/category pages only

    • will be replied in our email conversation.

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