Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Towfiq,

    Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately, I’ve already tried that and for whatever reason it doesn’t seem to change anything. Is there a way stop the hover class from being added? Or something else I could try?


    • whats your site address?

  • I sent a private message with the site details. Thanks!

  • Amazing Support! Thanks!

  • Hello,

    First of all, I must say that this theme is awesome, you rock!

    I just have a problem to make the breadcrumbs work, none of the breadcrumbs plugin seems to work.
    Is it possible to make them work with this theme?



    • Did you use those plugins with other theme and make them work? are you sure its a theme related issues? what happens when you add the breadcumbs?

    • Thanks for your quick reply!
      Excuse me, it was my fault, i messed up the bread crumb integration code and didn’t notice. Now it’s working!

      thanks again,


  • hi,

    for some reason the loop on my slider isn’t working and it goes to black after the 4 featured images slide, rather than going back to the first image like before. how do i make it loop again?

    • its causing by the share plugin that you installed.

  • Hello,

    Me again, I would like to make the slider link a nofollow link, however I can’t find where to do so. Thanks in advance for your help!


    • open up easyslider.php and edit a tags.

    • Thanks, perfect!

  • Hey, great theme, thanks for your work!

    My question: I’ve tried your advice to set up the slide with the current postings, but it didn’t work. I just received the title and the first two or three lines from my article in purple – the link didn’t work and there was no image..

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    Thanks dude!

  • I love the theme, been having one problem. When a url is attached to the image and its clicked, .. it just hangs with a little loading rotator over them. I’ve since changed to a clickable link. Know whats causing this? I’ve tried multiple browsers. Same issue.

    • check the comments of November 25th above.

  • What pixel/photo size should I convert my photos to for the featured image on posts… and also for the slider?

    • for the slider, try this size: 625 x 250px
      for thumbnails: 290x 120px

  • Love the theme… it’s looking beautiful. Can I make it so that the date doesn’t show on the posts? I got it cleared off of the home page but I also don’t want it on the post pages themselves.

    • Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

      .post .date, .type-page .date, .type-attachment .date, #lay1 .date, #lay2 .date{display:none;}

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