Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hello. How I can put the most newers post on the slider automatic? Thanks alot!

    • open up easyslider.php and replace ‘slider’ with ‘post’

    • I’ve tried to replace slider with post but it didn’t work.. any suggestions?

      Thanks in advance!

  • hello…
    nice theme…
    everything is fine with the free version of this theme… the only problem i am having that i cannot see live ads on my site.
    i applied for google adsense and they approved my site. i got the ad code and pasted it into the the text field provided by the widget “text” and placed it in the sidebar. But still im unable to see the ads. Is it because i m using free version or the theme doesnt support the google ads. please help me. I am 100% sure that i pasted the code correctly.

    • no. its not that. I just checked your site and I see the adsense ad on the right sidebar. its probably your browser.

    • thanx for help 🙂
      i was using mozilla but when i opened my site with opera and chrome, the ads were visible….
      Thanx a ton 🙂

  • Can u help me to remove stumble, digg from sharethis.php and add social platforms i need (e.g. Livejournal, etc)

    • there’s an option to remove the default buttons. use a plugin for livejournal, buttons.

  • Hi! After updated to the latest version of WordPress, I noticed on a few blog posts of mine that this error/warning message pops up at the top of the page and post. They can be seen from the preview-snippets on the home page and in the side bar. Here are some more detailed examples:

    Thanks for the help!


    • looks like a jetpack plugin issue. disable the plugin.

  • Is there possible to have 3 columns of thumbs on the front page, under the slider, instead of just 2? (And maybe remove the sidebar with widgets/links).

    Something like on your Triton Lite theme!?

    Thanx for a great job!!

    • sorry. not possible.

    • Must be possible, but with some work. I managed to move the navigation down beside the slider… 🙂

  • hello

    please how to set the same home page Style with posts thumbnails on Categories page!?

    • you will need to upload a certain category.php file to your theme folder. contact me through this page and I will send it to you:

  • Hey! I am trying to create more than one posts page. I want one for the blog and one for videos. It seems that you can only have one page display posts. Any Solutions?

    • try adding categories to your menu.

  • Thanks!

  • Hi there,

    Is there a way to disable the hover function on the main navigation? I’m trying to use css sprites and while I can get them to work, I can’t seem to get rid of the hover background effect. I tried making the change in the css with #topmenu ul li:hover but found it to be ineffective. I then realized the hover was being done with the js file adding a “menu_hover” class but was still unable to get rid of it either by removing that section of the scylla.js or by manipulating the menu_hover class via css. Is there any way to accomplish this? Thanks so much for your time.


    • Add this to your stylesheet:

      #topmenu ul li:hover, #topmenu ul li.current-menu-item{ background:none!important; }

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