Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hi again!

    How can I remove the shown # of comments on each post from the front page? Also, you rock, thank you!

    • Add this to your stylesheet:
      #lay1 .post_meta .block_comm{display:none;}

  • Also,

    The slider text background where the excerpt is- it’s grey in chrome and mozilla, but white in IE. So, in IE you can’t see the font. Anyway I can fix that?


    • you added an ie.css file to your theme. remove this line

      .slider-content{ width:45%; position:absolute; height:auto; margin-top:150px; background:url(images/slider_bg.png); color:#fff; padding:5px 10px; right:0;}

      from that file.

    • Thank you! I’ll try not to message you again. 🙂

  • Hello!

    I have a couple questions, and don’t know if they are even possible…

    Is there anyway to have 3 columns of pic/excerpts on the front page instead of just 2?

    Is there any way to also add a sidebar for widgets on the left side, so there is one on each side of the screen?

    It would be awesome if I could do both of those, or either! Thank you again for all of your help, you have been super responsive and so helpful!

  • Hi! The bottom border of the post previews on our front page is not showing up and/or the text is running too long so it covers the border. We were wondering how to fix it. Also is there a way so the # of comments do not show up on the previews on the front page?

    • I just read your answer to a post and got read of the # of comments, but the bottom border is still not showing up. thank you!

    • Try adding this to your stylesheet:

      #lay1 .post{height:260px!important;}

  • First, thank you for all your help so far. I am having trouble with the Title and Excerpt section of the slider. I have decided not to use the title or excerpt and there is still a grey sliver of the box visible. I have searched the slider options, the style sheet and skin4..going crazy, how can I get rid of the box totally?

    • Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:


    • Gracias!!!

  • Hey 🙂 is it possible to have thumbnails on category pages?

    • you will have to edit some template files. contact me through this page and I will guide you:

  • Hello is a great theme, i have some questions :
    1 its possible to make the social logos more bigger ?
    2 Can i remove the page title on top and put my logo ?
    3 where do i can put a code for insert one image before comments in every post ?
    Thanks in advanced

    • 1. Sorry. not possible.
      2. Only in the PRO version.
      3. I dont think its possible.

    • Ad Question 2.: There is no pro version of this theme, or?

    • Yes there is:

  • How to remove is the ’0 comm’ under each front page post snippets and add some thing like the ‘post category’ or ‘readmore’ buttons ?

    • open up layout1.php and remove this line:

      Comm', '1 Comm', '% Comm', '', __('Off')); ?>

      and add this line:


      after this line:


  • Hi. How do I disable the discussion? So users can’t comment. I only want a website and not a blog.

    • Open up single.php and page.php and remove this line:

  • I put an image in a post and I want to add a link on it and the link needs to open in a new window. I have done what is necessary on the image options but it doesn’t work. If there something I missed or is it a bug?

    • open up fancybox.js from your theme’s “js” folder and replace these lines:

      //Implement Fancybox
      jQuery(function() {

      jQuery(‘.single_page_post a, .type-attachment a’).has(‘img’).addClass(‘hasimg’);
      jQuery(‘.single_page_post .gallery a, .imgwrap a’).removeClass(‘hasimg’);
      ‘transitionIn’ : ‘elastic’,
      ‘transitionOut’ : ‘elastic’,
      ‘speedIn’ : 400,
      ‘speedOut’ : 200,
      ‘overlayShow’ : true

      with this:

      //Implement Fancybox
      jQuery(function() {

      jQuery(‘.single_page_post a, .type-attachment a’).has(‘img’).addClass(‘hasimg’);
      jQuery(‘.imgwrap a’).removeClass(‘hasimg’);
      jQuery(“.post_content .gallery .hasimg[href$=’.jpg’], .post_content .gallery .hasimg[href$=’.png’], .post_content .gallery .hasimg[href$=’.gif’]”).addClass(‘grouped_elements’);
      jQuery(‘.post_content .gallery .hasimg’).attr(“rel”,”group1″);
      jQuery(“.hasimg[href$=’.jpg’], .hasimg[href$=’.png’], .hasimg[href$=’.gif’], a.grouped_elements”).fancybox({
      ‘transitionIn’ : ‘elastic’,
      ‘transitionOut’ : ‘elastic’,
      ‘speedIn’ : 400,
      ‘speedOut’ : 200,
      ‘overlayShow’ : true

    • It works, thanks a lot.

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