Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hi Towfiq! I love this theme and I was just wondering if there’s any way to put a header? and also is there any way to show only the excerpt instead of the whole post?

    • Also, is there a way to change the colors of the links? It’s hard to tell if there’s a clickable links because the color is the same as the non-link text.

    • The header feature and changing the link color feature is available in the PRO version.

      To show excerpt go to Appearance> Editor and select layout2.php from right and find:


      and replace it with:


    • it doesn’t work.

    • In waht pages do you want to display the excerpts instead of the full content? The homepage is already displaying the excerpt.

    • Is it possible to show the excerpt in every page?

    • even in the single post page? Try the previous hack I mentioned on index.php

    • Towfiq, does the pro one comes with a white theme? I want something clean and minimalistic. Also, is there a way to not use the pattern?

    • In Pro version You can change the color of each and every element to your needs and yes there is an option to disable the pattern in the Pro version.

    • Awesome!

  • Towfiqi,
    Can you help me put my logo instead of the regular title?
    Cheers for this amazing theme by the way.
    Much respect!

    • Sorry Clemment, This options is only available in the Pro version.

    • OK, then let me get the PRO ! YEAH!

  • Hi, dude! Great thema. I have problems with photos. It dosent appear. thanks!

    • i found the problem. thanks!

    • I have just downloaded the Scylla lite version. Installed the theme…. I have set up a couple of sliders with titles, images, excerpts and link. But the slider isn’t working/showing. From reading though other posts I see that you need to remove the sociable plugin! I don’t have that plugin installed. I have gone into the options and disabled the social icons, but nothing makes the slider show?

      Any ideas?

      Hopefully! Awesome theme if I can get it working….


  • Hi!

    For some reason the slide is not working properly, after the last slide is shown (in my case, the 3rd), it briefly repeats the second slide and then jumps to the 1st one. Is there a fix for this?

    Great theme, by the way!

    • Hi, have you found anything about this?

  • Hi!
    When I add posts, the images in the home page are not appearing automaticaly.
    How am I suppose to add them?


    • Try adding images to the featured image box in the post editor page.

  • hola, estoy usando tu theme y me encanta, pero nose como poner imagenes en la casilla grande, que van cambiando solas. ¿podrias ayudarme?

    • Le tienes que dar en new slide, en el menú derecho 😀


  • can we change the layout like the layout 1’s front page for categories pages and post searches?

  • Love the theme – great job! Individual post styles are pretty well designed, including the social icons at the bottom & separation of the comments (from the post).

  • Hi, very nice theme! But all editing tools in my Post Editor are gone!!! Could you fix? It says…

    Line: 19
    Char: 5
    Error:Expected identifier, string or number

    Line: 3
    Char: 108821
    Error: ‘Button’ is null or not an object

    Thank you!

    • What browser are you using? Can you try a different browser?

    • Now that I’m switching to chrome and firefox it works just fine 🙂 Thank you so much! By the way, I was using ie7, just FYI, in case you may want to fix the problem for ie users. Thanks again 🙂 This theme is awesome.

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