Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Great theme! Good to adjust. I just have one question though, I don’t want the readers to be able to post a comment, so I have switched of that option and removed the box. The only thing I am not be able to remove is the ‘0 comm’, so that is still visible. How do I remove that?

    • GO to Appearance> Editor and select “layout1.php” and remove these lines:

    • Awesome! I checked almost everything, except for that one. Thanks 🙂

      Another question, now the box with the post text is weirdly shaped (bottom box right side). Is there any way to correct that?

    • it looks fine to me…..

  • how do i change the “featured” at the right top above the slider ?


    • You can change the text from Appearance> Scylla lite theme options> Slider

  • Love this skin. Is there anyway to have more than 10 slides?

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “easysldier.php” and replace this line:




  • Fantastic theme thanks! I’m having trouble installing a Captcha box to the Comments box using the Captcha plugin.

    Whilst is installs and activates fine, when making a comment there is no Captcha validation at all on the post/comments-box but when a reader submits the required info they are sent to an error screen which reads: “Incorrect Captcha”

    Are there any compatible alternatives or do I need to tweak the code somehow?


    • Sorry. No idea, you will have to ask the plugin developer.

  • Hi there! Is there any way to change the font in the actual post- the way it looks to readers?

    Thanks so much!

    • I figured it out. One last thing…where is the code to change the color of the link text? Can’t find it in the editor.

      Thanks again!

    • Add this line to your stylesheet:

      body .post .post_content a, body .page .post_content a{color:#333333!important;}

    • Thank you!

  • Hi! How can I change the size of the font on the titles of the sidebars? They are too large and are covering the links beneath them….


    • Add this to your stylesheet:

      #sidebar .widgets ul li ul{padding-top:25px!important;}

    • Can’t thank you enough! I really appreciate it!

    • Can these get any smaller? They are still covering the other text areas a bit.


    • increase the number 25.

  • Look nice easy and clear.

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