Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hi, which line on the CSS controls the width of a post area and how do I hide the ‘by of author’ that seems to appear on every post?

    • Find this line in your stylesheet:
      #posts {float: left;width: 100%;}

      and remove this line from single.php file:


  • توفيق
    how i can make the slide work it’s just one picture

    • Not sure why this is happening. Not getting any kind of error anywhere….. this is strange… Try reinstalling the theme.

  • hi, my slider don’ t work at all. All plug-in are now disabled. Why this problem?

    • I think the FB popup is causing this.

  • How can I change the size of the font in the top menu ?

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      body #topmenu ul li a{font-size:16px!important;}

  • Hey there, again. =)))

    I cant get a preview on a post – how and what do i have to change to do that?


    • what happens when you click the “Preview” button?

    • It just gives me a 404 error Page, which I didnt even set up

  • how to add latest tweets widget

  • Hi there! First of all, I really love this theme. It’s awesome. Second, I am a HUGE amateur when it comes to dealing with code, so I apologize if I sound stupid…

    How can I change the #bf4842 accent color as well as change the Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif fonts to something else? The first time I simply edited the hex value in the stylesheet worked but for some reason it reverted back to the red and I cannot get it to work again. As far as the fonts, I managed to change the body text font but the headline remains the same. I’m stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • whats your site address?


    • Go to Appearance>Editor and select “stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #topmenu ul li a, #related .post_title, .ribbon, .trigger, .scl_button a, #submit_msg, #submit, .fourofour a, #logo a, #topmenu ul li a, #footmenu ul li a, #comments, body{font-family: Calisto MT,Georgia,serif !important;}

      and you can change the color accent only in PRO version.

  • hi

    i got a strange problem from the beginning , there is no home button in the navigation.

    to solve this i made a page called home and used the ” Page Links To” plugin to link it to instead of wich would lead to a blank static page.

    how to i get thsi to act normally? ( like on the default wordpress theme twenty eleven)

    what i also want to do is,

    1. make a page called news which has my posts
    2. a home page wich has the easysilder and some static content.

    i know i can go to settinng-reading and change the home page to static, but then the slider is gone.

    any help is really much appreciated!

  • I love this theme!! It is basically everything I’ve wanted! I do have a question, though. I can’t seem to get the “Featured” box/slider to work. I can’t even find where to edit this. What am I missing? (Thanks for putting up with my noobish issue/question!)

    • You have to setup the slider manually. Go to Appearance>Scylla Options> Documentation to learn how to setup the slider.

    • Duh! I can’t believe I missed that. Thanks so much!

  • First off, thank you for the wonderful theme. It’s truly one of the best out there and I appreciate your hard work.

    My issue is, whenever I add an image to a widget in the sidebar, the image is enlarged by a small percentage. If I go to the original source of the image, it’s the right size, but for some reason once I insert it into the sidebar it’s resized. How can I fix this?

    Also, how can I add padding around all the images on the blog so the text that’s wrapped around them doesn’t bump right up next to them?

    Thank you in advance!

    • whats your site address Lindsay?

    • I’m working on

    • just checked your site and the image looks fine!

    • It’s supposed to be 95×111 and it’s coming out 104×121 on my computer… I also would like there to be padding to the right and bottom of the image so the text isn’t butting up against it.

    • I am seeing the actual size.

      add this to your stylesheet for padding:

      .textwidget img{padding-right:10px;}

    • Hmm, I wonder why it’s coming out bigger on mine! Strange…

      Thank you, the padding worked. I appreciate your help and quick responses. 🙂

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