Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hi! Awesome Theme, i really like your work.

    I have a question. As I can change the text of * comments *.

    I’m working on a blog in Spanish and I need to translate the comments but I find I need to replace that line to show * Commentarios* instead of comments.

    Greetings and thank you very much for your attention

    • The word “comments” appear multiple times in the theme, which one are you referring to?

  • Thanks for your quick response

    I attached a picture of the two places where I want to make the change.

    • I get the blocked login error message when I click the link. Can you try anything other than the

  • Hi

    How do you replace the title text logo with an image?

    Thanks 🙂

    • its only possible in the PRO version.

  • Thanks for the help.

    I attached a picture of the two places where I want to make the change.

    Tell me if you still can not see

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “layout1.php” file and find this line:

      Comm', '1 Comm', '% Comm', '', __('Off')); ?>

      and change the words “Comm” with your own words.
      Do the same for the single.php file.

  • Is there any way of putting text in three columns?

    • Which three columns are you talking about?

    • I´m trying to create columns here:
      Found the following code but it does not work correctly: [column width=”30%” padding=”5%”]
      [column width=”30%” padding=”5%”]
      Dúddi Hvaaaað[/column]
      [column width=”30%” padding=”0″]

  • Also, can I insert somehow from google map?

  • Also, can I insert somehow from google map?

    With iframe ?

    • Sure you can, did you put the code right? looks like there’s something wrong with the map code.

    • I did put the code that I got from Google Map. And paste it into the html window:

      View in a larger map

  • iframe width=”425″ height=”350″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ src=”,-18.984375&spn=2.977095,11.392822&t=h&z=7&msa=0&msid=209582085176845753307.0004bc4f99d7cb8183d5a”>View <a href=",-18.984375&spn=2.977095,11.392822&t=h&z=7&msa=0&msid=209582085176845753307.0004bc4f99d7cb8183d5a&source=embed&quot; style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left"

  • HI,

    I have an issue with the Title repeating itself in the browser tab, same with both Chrome and Firefox, do you know how I can fix this please?

    • just visited your website. looks fine!

  • Hi, on my site there are a few contributors and we all have individual user accounts but when an article is posted and it says by: bekkacollins for example, there is no link. i was wondering if I can get a click through link to all the posts they have previously written?

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “single.php” from right and find this line:


      and replace it with:


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