Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hej, I’m using Scylla Lite,but since last time I updated from the admin panel, my menus are not loading.
    Some menus appear on the side bar, some others not.
    I have tried to delete, recreate a menu and save, still the new menus are not added.
    I tried to clean cache and from different computers, but still the same issue.
    I need help!! Thanks! Lea

  • hi

    Could you help me with one more thing please?

    when i click on a photo on this page :

    it zoom the photo to the front so i get a really stretch out version of my photo shown .

    is there a way i can disable this ?

    thank you !

    • To fix this issue, Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

      #fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}

  • is there a way to disable this whole zooming effect , fancy box thing?

    i just want to display some photos nothing fancy 🙂


    • You can simply disable it from Appearance> Scylla Lite Options > Miscellaneous >Plugin tab.

  • arghh iam soo sorry!! i works now..

    but thank you so much for all your help ! some of the best support i had in my live !

  • This just seems like a really basic question, the solution should be obvious but I just can’t seem to figure it out…. I want more than 1 image for my slider but I can’t find any way to add an image beyond the featured one. The only other option is to add another slide, which I did, but it only shows one slide or the other, not one after the other. All I want is for my slider to go through like 5 or 6 images if possible!

  • funny how you figure something out on your own immediately after asking someone….

  • Dear Taufiq,
    I love your scylla lite theme and have been using it for the past 3 months. however, the slider has not been working and i have no idea why! help pls!!

    • Try disabling the “in twitter” plugin that you installed.

  • Very nice theme is it support with old wordpress version?

    • Whats the version number?

  • Hi,
    i’m working on a site with this theme. I tried couple of times to edit header.php file to insert a logo, but an error (500) occur and i failed.

    But the real problem is that, since then i can’t install any theme as well as plugin in my website as well as in all sub directory of the website.

    Please help me soon. I am very very very much anxious about it.

    • Looks like a plugin issue. Uninstall the last plugin you installed and see if it still exist.

      if you are still getting the error, you can always install the themes/plugin via FTP.

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