Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hi there, thanks for great theme.
    I added several slider images but only last one is showing.
    How to fix this? Thank you

    • I noticed a similar issue further up and had the same myself – it seems some plugins can disrupt it. For me it was a Flickr plugin – try disabling plugins you should find the culprit hopefully!

  • Your theme is awesome bro, big thanks 😀

  • Thank you so much for the wonderful theme and your support here Towfiq!

  • This is a wonderful article. Pobbilbly I will try to understand the full meaning in it

  • Just found your theme and like it. Is there a way to deactivate the label that appears with each slider image that shows the title and excerpt?

    • I am assuming, you are talking about the Slider Ribbon. Go to Appearance> Scylla Options> Slider and then check “Disable Ribbon” option.

  • Thanks for your quick response to my January 1st question. You responded with:

    “I am assuming, you are talking about the Slider Ribbon. Go to Appearance> Scylla Options> Slider and then check “Disable Ribbon” option.”

    The “disable ribbon” option only seems to disable the text at the top of the slider. Is there a way to disable the additional text on the right side that includes the name of the image and the excerpt?

  • Thanks, that helps. Is there a way to link each entire image in the slider to a specified link?

    • In easyslider.php file, Replace this line:

      With This:

          ID, 'slide_link', TRUE); ?>">

      you can set the link while editing the slide. Just put your link in the “Link” field.

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