Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.
  • 4 Skins
  • 1 slider
  • 2 Layouts
  • 2 Patterns.
  • 3 custom widgets.
  • 5 easy to use shortcodes.(Hard-coded in Post Editor)
  • 2 WordPress 3.0 Menu Position.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
  • 3 Awesome fonts.
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Gravatar Support.
  • 3 custom page template
  • Fancy lightbox
  • IE6 Browser Upgrade Alert!
  • Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • Well-written documentation
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+

version 1.8.2
+ Initial Release

1. what should be the dimension of the slider images?

A: width: 625px Height: 250px


2. I can’t make link to other website, and when I make link to an other page of my website, it opens in lightbox windows.

A: Open up fancybox.js and find this line:


and replace it with:

jQuery(“.hasimg[href$=’.jpg’], .hasimg[href$=’.png’], .hasimg[href$=’.gif’]“).fancybox({

You can edit the file with your ftp application or “Wp-File Manger” Plugin.
3. How can I make a catergory section look the same as my home page?

A: Download this file:

Extract the category.php file inside it and upload the php file to the “ScyllaLite” directory of your site using FTP.


4. The images inside the lightbox is being stretched when viewed by Safari Browser, How do I fix this?

A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet(style.css):

#fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}


5. My Quote shortcode is not working. How do I fix it?

A: The quote shortcode has a bug, to fix it find this in your stylesheet:


and replace it with:

6. I want to use the ‘Featured Posts Widget’ in the sidebar, but despite selecting a category, it keeps outputting the loop of all posts.

A: You will have to put your category id, not name.


The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Scylla Lite Scylla PRO
For Life
One time payment
Skins 4 Unlimited
(Ability to change the color of almost all the elements)
Fonts 3 12
Layouts 2 5
Slider 1 2
Shortcodes 5 20
Widgets 3 8
Widget Areas Sidebar Widgets Sidebar Widgets/ Footer Widgets
Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu
Page Templates 3 3
Upload LOGO



Social Share buttons/Numbered Page Navigation



Related Posts



Google Analytics



Threaded comments/Separated Comments & Trackbacks



IE6/ IE7 Browser Upgrade Alert!



Fancy lightbox



Full Email support



Forum support



Upgrade to PRO

  • Could you please inform where to set the hyperlink for all the social medias in the front page? TKS.

    • From Scylla Lite Options> front-page> Social

  • Hoping someone could give some insight – I am having a weird issue with embedding links into images.

    I put in the correct code, but when it is on the live site and I click on an image a grey loading wheel appears and nothing happens. Example is here

    Any help would be awesome.


    • Yeah there is a bug. You have to open up the fancybox.js file from the “js” folder and find this line:


      and replace it with:

      jQuery(“.hasimg[href$=’.jpg’], .hasimg[href$=’.png’], .hasimg[href$=’.gif’]”).fancybox({

    • Brilliant! – It worked perfectly, thanks for your help!!

  • Hi, I have been working with Scylla lite with a a view to purchasing but I am having error requests on my server for missing files such as – GET /images/other/fancy_shadow_se.png HTTP/1.1

    I don’t have the fancybox plugin installed. Is Scylla making these requests?



    • Go to Scylla Lite options> Misc. >plugins
      and disable fancybox plugin.

    • ….as I said – I don’t have Fancybox plugin installed.

    • Just checked your site and looks like the fancybox is enabled:

    • Thanks – I see that but I don’t understand as I have removed Fancybox. – i will investigate further,



  • I’m not sure why, but it’s not showing youtube links as videos – usually when we I post just the youtube link and post it using the wordpress shortcode [youtube ] it shows the actual video in the post. I had to uninstall the theme since my site is full of youtube vids. Why is this happening?

    • Just post the youtube link. you don’t have to wrap it with [youtube].

      WordPress will automatically turn that into a YouTube embed when the post is viewed. (Check the “Auto-embeds” check box in Administration > Settings > Media SubPanel.)

  • Hi !
    I’ve an issue with the multi-level menu. You can look on my website :
    Under the “volleyball” menu section, we should see 3 “under-section”. In the menu option, i’ve this :

    Could you help me please ?


    • The calender plugin that you are using is conflicting with the theme’s javascript.

    • thanks a lot !!

  • Hi!
    I use Scylla Lite, and i love it, but
    my [quote] shortcode does not work!
    Pls answer me why! *____*

    Thank yout!

    • The quote shortcode has a bug, to fix it find this in your stylesheet:


      and replace it with:


  • Hey, love the theme but I’m not sure if this was specifically answered yet. Everything works fine but when I try to add a featured image, it wont let me publish it. I can input everything I need but once I hit the publish button, nothing happens.

    • Maybe the slides are saving as draft. can you go to
      Slider> slider and mouse over each slide and click the “quick edit” button and then set the status of the post to “Published” from “Draft”?

  • Yes that works. Thanks a ton.

  • I actually ran into another issue. Each image in the slider seems to be resized to the same small size and the slider never recycles and starts over. You can check it out here:

    • Uninstall the “ShareDaddy” plugin.

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