Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Thank you very much!!! and just a final question…

    Can I change de favicon? Where??



    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “header.php” file and find this line:


      Add this line before that:


  • Wonderful it is working amazing so far!

    Is there any chance to change de post’s featured image size in the Layout 1 front page, for example make it square?


  • Hello again…

    Now I’m trying to fix the contact page, should I set up the email adress to send me the emails or it is alreday done by the theme?

    I’ve tried to send me an email to test it using the page but it doesn’t arrived…

    Can you help me please?


    • It is automatically sent to your admin email id.

  • Hey there,

    Firstly, I’d like to say thank you very much for your theme. And it’s great how you’re responding to everyone on here. 🙂

    I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been using the theme as a template and making quite a few modifications stylewise for my site.

    I’m only half way through, but unfortunately I’ve hit a problem. When you click into any of my posts, there’s a big gap between the first paragraph of text and the next paragraph. It’s fine in the overview page of all the posts, but just not in the single post pages and I can’t see any difference in the code.

    If you could help me fix the problem I’d be very grateful.

    Thanks again.

    you can check out what I mean here:

  • Apologies, I see you have addressed this issue in an earlier comment.

    Your hard work is much appreciated.

  • I have used your awesome theme for one of my clients. Now she wants her logo instead of the text header. How do I change that? Thanking you in advance….

  • Can’t find how to show a “read more” button/link on articles on the front page. There’s this “” tag in the editor but it does not seem to do anything. How to fix/enable this?

    • In layout1.php, add this line:

      ">Read More

      After this line:

  • Hi there,
    Thank you for the great theme. I love it.
    However, I’ve encountered some problems with the featured images and articles. Somehow it just didn’t work at all. I read here, it might connected with wordpress version, but you also mention that your website work well…Do you think you can help to modify what is the possible issue for feature functions?

    Thank you.

    • Lisa, did you follow the steps from Appearance> ScyllaLite Options>Documentation ?

    • Yes, I have tried it. Even set the image file according to the suggestion. But still didn’t work. Any advice?

  • Hello,

    Great theme!

    Are there ways i can show only excerpts or thumbnails on the category pages?

    • Download this file:

      extract the category.php file inside it and upload the php file to the “ScyllaLite” directory of your site using FTP.

    • Thanks for your quick response. I uploaded the file the theme but my category pages only show 1 post each with this error message.

      Fatal error: Call to undefined function scylla_wpe_excerpt() in /home/muaytha6/public_html/wp-content/themes/scylla-lite/category.php on line 41

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “category.php” from right and find this line:


    • Thank you so much for great support

  • Hi,

    I’m editing my skin4.php file and trying to get the background to scale. I added this so far:

    /*Background COLOR*/
    body { background : url(;
    background-size:100% 100%;}

    The image scales in the X axis but not in the Y axis – any advice?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Since you want the size of the background be 100% in both axis, this is how it will show because the height of the size is bigger than the width. when you add 100% background-size it will be shown 100% in any way possible(stretched). You can remove the value: background-size:100% 100%; to display the original image without stretching it in anyway..

    • Right – but it’s NOT scaling in both axis. Only the horizontal axis.

      It doesn’t appear to be working.

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