Scylla LiteFree WordPress Theme

Scylla Lite is a wordpress 3 theme with awesome skins, fonts, slider, layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Man if u could tell me, how just dissable zoon-efective? i tried the way u told changing fancbox.jq, but dreanweaver say thats a syntax error when at this line…

    • To disable the fancybox plugin for the images go to Appearance> Scylla Lite Options and then click the “Misc” tab and then plugins tab. There you will find the option to disable the fancybox plugin.

  • Forget, its was a DW problem.. just retyped and works.

    Thanks again for this nice the. Its remenber me arras theme but better!

    When i get some money gonna buy full version!

  • Thanks man!

  • I was thinking about… when we go to category, its possible show posts like thumbs of the home?

  • Really love the theme but would like a fixed (and stretched) custom background for
    Would that somehow be possible without making major changes to the source?

    • Then go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line:

      body{background-image:url(your copied file url) fixed;}

  • I added
    body{background-image:url(images/asfalt.png) fixed;}

    to style.css at the beginning, no luck
    .. at the end, no luck.
    even removed the original body defintion and tried both options again, unfortunatly; no luck again

    Seems the style definition for body in the site’s source (at line 28, below ‘skin switch’) is dominant:

    body {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #1A1A1A !important;

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “skin4.php” and then find this line and remove it:
      body { background:#1a1a1a!important;}

    • Ok,thnx!
      did so and had to do the same at line 44 (there was an extra definition for body in skin4.php)

      Firebug showed css line 1:

      body {

      But when I changed style.css line 1 to
      body { background:url(images/asfalt.png) fixed; }
      it worked 🙂

      Thnx^2!!! (I love the result!)

  • Hey I’m having an issue with the theme. The background pattern is only on the upper header portion of my site. I was trying to change stuff around in the editor for google adsense but may have altered something. I don’t know what the issue is. Thanks man.

    • It is looking fine. Try pressing ctrl+f5 in your browser for a hard refresh…

  • Great theme, its that what i need! I download this and get it in my Blog.


  • Hello, GREAT THEME!!

    I’m using it for a new website I will lunch this week, but I need to ask you some questions please:

    1. Can I change the simple blog name for my personal image or logo? How?

    2.Can I set up my own background? How?

    I’ll be today setting up the menus it will be good to have this answers ASAP so I can really use it ’cause I love it!


    • 1. Only available in PRO version
      2. Go to Appearance> Editor and select “skin3.php” from right and find this line:

      body { background:#33282c!important;}

      and replace it with:

      body{background-image:url(your background file url) fixed;}

    • it is very awesome theme!!but i get the same question
      about change my background
      but i can’t find the “skin3 php”
      this is all my appearance editor catgory
      which should i chose??thanks

      Page with Left Sidebar.php

      Page with No Sidebar.php





















    • Download the theme again. you are missing skin1.php, skin2.php, skin3.php and skin4.php files.

  • Thanks!!
    Now I’m testing the home slider but is not working… Do I have to do something special to set the featured post that goes in the slider?

    I just check the new post page options and I can’t find the way to set up what I want to show on the slider…

    BTW…Sorry if my English isn’t that good…


    • Go to Appearance> Scylla Lite Options and click the “Documentation” tab.

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