Zetes Free Joomla Template

Zetes is a Free Joomla 1.5 business Template with cu3er Slideshow, 10 module positions with 5 color skins.
- Completely Free Joomla Template with GNU GPL v2.0 License.
- 5 mind-blowing color skins
- Multi level Dropdown Menu.
- Customized for cu3er Slideshow
- Multi level Dropdown Menu.
- 10 Module Positions
- Internet Explorer 7+
- Firefox 3+
- Safari 5
- Opera 9+
- Netscape 6+
Module Positions:
- topmenu
- slideshow(only for Frontpage)
- left(not displayed on Frontpage)
- breadcrumb(not displayed on Frontpage)
- user1(only for Frontpage)
- user2(only for Frontpage)
- user3(only for Frontpage)
- user4
- user5
- user6
The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.
Fantastic template!!! I have only one question. Is it possible to change the height of the main content section, to adapt it to the content? I’ll have only one module on the left side and I need main content to be the same height.
I apologize for asking. I’ve found the answer! It was about changing min-height. Sometimes I ask stupid questions. Truly amazing template!
Is it possible to make design of Your template when first level is just top menu (with 5 or 6 postions) and slideshow. Next second level is top menu and slideshow each one in different color skin?
Best regards
Ok, so I just installed the latest template. I was able to have the slideshow running and set everything as I want it, except for the dropdown menu…
I know that you have said: Did you read the instruction.txt that comes with the zip? Well, I did… I set up the top menu to the top menu position, set it as list and clicked yes on the always show submenu items.. and I am still not able to see the dropdown menu?
Any ideas why this is happening?
I don’t know where you downloaded the template from, try uninstalling it and use this link for downloading the template:
The one you are using could be an older version because it is not loading the necessary javascript to the template..
Thanksss!! 😀 You rock!
Hey, I have a question for left module. the browser does not show the #left .module_bottom picture and the #left .moduletable h3, #left .moduletable_menu h3 picture is only shown in Firefox. I dont now why. The border picture of the main module are working fine!
please help!
nevertheless agreat template
Would You like answer me please.
No jasiek it is not possible.
hi, thanks for the wonderful template. Request for help :
1. I put search button alongside the topmenu, but the result doesn’t show on the frontpage, nonetheless appear in other pages. how to solve?
2. can i make the slideshow appear on every page?
your answers are much appreciated! 😀 thanks
solved problem no 2. no 1 still don’t know how to do 🙁
Thanks for the tip on the dropdown menu, it is solved… I now have another thing….
On this page (and in any other page)
The menu on the left, when the submenus are open, some lines are not in place… I am working with Chrome and Mozilla and same thing happens.. did I mess up with something? If yes how can I solve it?
Looks fine to me….
Installed template, succesfull install, but all that is showing is a blank white screen?
Did you Extract the zip file first? After Extracting you will get zetes.zip file.. Install that.
Thanks for the reply back.. but not sure then I have this lines… here is a screenshot http://www.valadesigns.com/images/screen.png
See how the key concepts, the menu with dropdowns has some lines going out of the box? I used mozilla, chrome and IE7 and try in 3 different computers (2 MAC and 1 PC) and they all look the same 🙁
Please advise!
Thanks a lot in advance,
Used Safari v5.05 and same thing… Firefox 3.6.6 also…