Zetes Free Joomla Template

Zetes is a Free Joomla 1.5 business Template with cu3er Slideshow, 10 module positions with 5 color skins.
- Completely Free Joomla Template with GNU GPL v2.0 License.
- 5 mind-blowing color skins
- Multi level Dropdown Menu.
- Customized for cu3er Slideshow
- Multi level Dropdown Menu.
- 10 Module Positions
- Internet Explorer 7+
- Firefox 3+
- Safari 5
- Opera 9+
- Netscape 6+
Module Positions:
- topmenu
- slideshow(only for Frontpage)
- left(not displayed on Frontpage)
- breadcrumb(not displayed on Frontpage)
- user1(only for Frontpage)
- user2(only for Frontpage)
- user3(only for Frontpage)
- user4
- user5
- user6
The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.
Good morning!
When i use the Glossy Accordion Menu, dropdown menu in top menu is disappear. Can you help?
Hi, great work with this template….congrats! Buuuutt, I found a problem, help me please with this…When I am in the main page (where the position of USER 1,2,3 are activated) the search button doesnt work, only work when I go to the secon page (where LEFT position is on)..what can I do?Thanks a lot Towfiq I.
How to add a Graphic logo ?
I have a problem with cu3er 1.2.1 in your zetes template. In firefox 5.0 it doesn’t work well.
Could you help me?
Thank you
There is some conflict in other.js and aicontactsafe form. Is there any fix of this issue??
Hi! In left menu Not correctly works,
#left .module_bg{ background:url(images/modules_mid.png) repeat-y; padding:10px;}
#left .module_bottom{width:245px; height:14px; background:url(images/modules_bottom.png) no-repeat; margin-bottom:20px;}
Aren’t visible
help please