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Slider on Asteria Lite

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Slider on Asteria Lite

  • #472583


    The second slide is stacked on top of the first. The text of the first slide is shoved into the top left corner with the link attached to it. When hovered over, it says #nv_. Hopefully that is more clear.


    Towfiq I.


    Whats your site address John?



    Towfiq I.


    John, Just checked. The slider looks fine.


    Thomas Leitch

    Hey Towfiq.
    Man, I can’t tell you how good it is to see such a well-administrated forum!
    Just a quick inquiry and hopefully a simple solution:
    I just want to alter the Caption transitions on the slider. I have changed the image transition to fade, but I’d like the captions to be a bit more smooth and graceful, rather than springing as they currently do.
    I know enough about php and css to alter their if needed. Site: // using Lite version.
    Thanks in advance.


    Towfiq I.


    Sorry Thomas, Thats not possible.



    Hi Towfiq,

    Great theme, we’re in love with it.

    But, I searched all the possible solutions you gave to the people, but the problem of the slides is still there…
    I wrote the title, I changed set the frontpage to “your latest posts” i tried everything you said and the buttoms doesn’t seem to do anything, i can’t upload any image, I can’t set more than one slide (without image), etc…

    Any solution? 🙂
    Thanks you so much.


    Towfiq I.


    Mikon3, Make sure all your slides have a titles. The Title field is required for the slider.




    I Can´t click into options inside asteria options, turned to grey. What i can do to recover the ability to click in the options?

    Problem to view options




    Pui Chi Wu


    Hi Towfiq,

    I just got the asteria theme and I would like to know how to make the slider smaller on the screen.

    Also, there is an error message showing on the site saying” Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in” How could I errase it?

    Below is my site

    Thanks alot for your help!

    Thanks and Regards,



    How edit or remuove old banner? I cant delete pics on slider.

    Thank you



    Hi Towfig!

    Thanks for the great Theme. I have the same problem as another user before. I can’t click on any option in the slider menu. I can type in title and description and these are shown but i can’t uploud pictures.
    Also I can’t change the fonts.
    I deactivated all plugins and I’m using chrome!



    Hi Towfiq thanks for a great theme.

    I have the same problem as another user above – image doesn’t scale, it fills the visible window space -this means you must scroll to see top & bottom of page.
    Height is set to auto, if using a height to restrict the image I get the image cropped not scaled.
    Any way to force it to scale ?



    I am building a site for someone and we have the pro version but I could not see where to create an account to log into the pro forums, or what to do. The following are my issues:

    1) With the slider on the home page, in IE, Firefox, etc..when holding down Ctrl & rotating the mouse wheel to zoom in, the image does get larger as it is suppose to BUT the text that is on the slider goes off the image. I do have a plug in that is used on other slide shows within the site and when zooming in there is no issue. Is there a way to correct this?

    2) The blocks on the home page are visible on a computer but is not responsive/mobile friendly as they do not show on mobile devices, is there a way to correct this?

    Thank you for the great work, looking forward to correct the issues above.



    Also to add to the above post ^^ I would like to remove the link that shows over posts on the home page and have the whole featured image linked without the link image, can you point me in the right direction or tell me how to do this? thanks.



    Hi there,

    im using Asteria Pro. Is it possible to deactivate the hold-function on mouse over slide?
    Or in extension – is it possible that after a few seconds after mouse over the slider
    the slider continues with the next slide?

    Duration of view: 5 seconds
    Mouse Over: hold
    Mouse Over hold: after 8 seconds go on



    thanks for the great theme but here is an issue,-
    i am not being able to set a pic to the slider when ever i am uploading a pic it is not showing in the website home page



    Thank you for this beautiful theme its very sleek! I am having an issue with getting the full photograph into my slider image. I use the NIVO slider and it crops out the bottom half of my photograph no matter what size i crop it to in editing, My sldier height is set to auto so im hoping you can help. my site is Thank you!



    Hi, I have 4 slides on Asteria Lite. When the page loads freshly(first load), the content is missing or not properly formatted. When the same slide cycles and shows again it is formatted OK. Versions: Asteria Lite Version: 1.0.3, WordPress 4.4.2. Tested on Chrome, IE10, Edge browsers.

    Any ideas/tips?

    slider bug



    i found the solution:

    Remove this from your style.css:
    .sld3wrap{ width:75%!important; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; left:15%!important; bottom: 20%; text-align:center;}



    Hi – I’m having a very difficult time getting the slider to appear on my new website using the Asteria Lite Theme – I really like the theme so I’m looking forward to seeing the slider. I’ve checked it in Asteria Options and everything looks okay – I’ve also made sure I have “Your Latest Posts” selected as the frontpage in Settings. I must be missing something, but I’m at a complete loss – I really hope I can find the help I need here – thank you!


    Towfiq I.



    Please let me know your site address.




    I just installed Asteria Lite to change theme . It is very beautiful.
    Is it possible to add more than 3 pictures on the slider on the home page ?
    In addition, I will wish that the items are automatically displayed in slideshow or photos are not all on one side, as is the case currently .
    Thanks for your help.



    I wish to change one of the images on my slider and the buttons to Upload and Remove are not working. I click them and nothing happens.



    I Towfiq, great theme!! I have a problem with my first slide.. The text box doesn’t show up. After first tour it become visible.
    Thanks a lot

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