Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.

  • I apologize for the repeat question…I saw someplace as I was scrolling comments where you addressed the facebook/twitter button on the left side of the screen but couldn’t find it when I went to look for it.

    I also am wanting to remove the transparency. Can you tell me where to locate the code and what needs to be changed?

    Thanks so much!

  • I am trying to get images into the blocks below the slider but my image just wont show up no matter what I try! Someone tell me whats wrong? http://www.breakwatersurfcompany.com

  • how can i upgrade?
    i just paid that.

    • just sent to your email. Check your inbox.

  • How do I change the slider height to any height i want?

    • Add this to your stylesheet:

      #slider li{height:420px!important;}

  • I`ve just ordered Zenon pro. Hope I receive my order soon.
    I have a request. Can you put Instagram url to the social?? It would be great. Thank you

    • Just sent you the theme. And here is how you add instagram icon:

      First open up header.php and add this line:

    • Instagram
    • after this line:

    • ">RSS
    • then add this to your stylesheet:

      .social ul .soc_insta a{ background:url(“http://i.imgur.com/OU4yS.png”) no-repeat!important;}

  • And still I have these questions:

    I have pro version and I wonder is it possible to change featured images size at front page? I would like to have vertical pics.

    And I would love to have posts only from one category to the front page. How to do it?


    theme doesn´t show any pictures if I make a link to Facebook wall (it shows only link).
    What to do?


  • I wanted to know if you had any examples of your Zenon Pro theme being utilized as an online store? I am considering upgrading but wanted to make sure its compatible. Thanks!

    • sorry. couldn’t find any. But I have seen lots of site using ecommerce plugin without any flaws. I suggest you try your online store plugin with the lite version first.

  • I am very fascinated with zenon theme. setting let two slides and now I want to add and I can not do it, as I do.

    • Go to Appearance > Zenon Theme Options > Documentation to learn how to setup the slider.

  • Hi there,

    Love the theme. Just one thing. What is the size I need to have for the slider?

    • width 1000px and height 360px

  • I am considering this them. Is it possible to have a small logo appear on the right after the nav bar sticks to the top?

    • yes. it can be done by editing some template files.

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