Zenon PROPremium WordPress Theme

Zenon PRO is a all in one wordpress theme with ability to change theme elements color, 15 fonts, 3 slider, 4 layouts & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 8 built-in widgets and 20 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Full-width page, Left Sidebar Page and a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup. Zenon PRO is suitable for any business or personal website.


  • This just happened….the Title bar of the website window repeats the Site Title TWICE and then the Tagline once. The Title bar used to display once. For example, your Windows title bar would show up like this:

    Towfiq I.Towfig I.>>Zenon PRO: WordPress Theme

    The Towfiq I. should only display once.

    • I see what it is doing. it shows the website name twice on the HOME menu, then as I click other menus it shows that name. For example on the Home menu, the windows title bar displays: TOM KUNKE ARTTOM KUNKE ART

      When I click on the Gallery menu, the windows title bar displays: TOM KUNKE ARTGALLERY

      Can I eliminate the current page from showing up in the Windows title bar or at least add “chevrons” >> in the CSS code to separate the current page from the website title? Where in the CSS code do you modify this? Is it this?

      #topmenu ul li a:hover, .postitle a:hover, .zn_post_wrap a, #sidebar .widgets ul li a:hover, .comm_meta_reply a:hover, .logged-in-as a, #topmenu .current_page_item a{color:#D73A36;}

    • just replied to your email.

  • what is ( index.php)

    I want to link a pages in the block
    also how can I add a graphic in the block?

    Thank you

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select “index.php” from right and add this:

      after this line:

  • Hi there! We love your theme! We’re trying to make the banner take up less space. For some reason, when I upload a smaller version, the logo moves to the right and the spacing around it stays the same. Is there any way for us to feature a smaller version such that the menu bar shifts upward? I’d rather not touch the CSS. Thanks for your help!

  • Also, when I add my Google Plus link to the Front Page > Social > Your Google Plus url, the link redirects to an error page. I’m pretty sure I used the correct Google Plus url.

  • Can i place ad or ad widget on the main landing (index) page

    • you can add the ad widget in your footer widget area.

  • Thanks for this AWESOME theme. You rock!

  • Hi there,

    just wondering how to change the social buttons on the homepage from the defult 0.3 opacity, so that they’re a little more visible when not-hovered-over!

    I’m using zenon lite, and I’ve played around with changing a few of the opacity options in the social list sections of the style.css, zenon.js, and other files from the js folder. alas, I could see no changes.


  • Is there a way to center a content and/or an image on post as well as pages?

  • I should probably mention that I’m still putting the final touches on it now, it will be going live and replacing my old crappy website in the next day or two.


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