Triton LiteFree WordPress Theme

Triton is a all in one Free wordpress theme with awesome 3 fonts, 1 slider, 1 layout & easy to use theme option panel. The Theme also includes 3 built-in widgets and 5 useful shortcodes. The theme is SEO Friendly and has plenty of user-friendly options. The theme also comes with a Contact page Template which doesn’t require any setup.
  • 3 Fonts
  • 1 slider
  • 1 Layout
  • 2 Patterns.
  • 3 custom widgets.
  • 5 easy to use shortcodes.(Hard-coded in Post Editor)
  • 1 WordPress 3.0 Menu Position.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
  • 3 Awesome fonts.
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Gravatar Support.
  • 3 custom page templates
  • Fancy lightbox
  • IE6 Browser Upgrade Alert!
  • Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • Well-written documentation
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+

version 1.1
+ Initial Release

1. The slider is not showing up on my frontpage.
A: Go to Settings> Reading and select “your latest posts” as your homepage.
2. How can i change the image header for this theme?
A: The header image/logo upload option is only available in the PRO version.


3. The Picture quality on the frontpage posts are not good.
A: Open up functions.php and add this:

add_filter(‘jpeg_quality’, function($arg){return 100;});
Before this:

//Post Thumbnail


4. I added 3 -4 slides but my slider is showing 10+ blank slides.
A: The sharing feature of Jetpack plugin is causing this. to fix this, add this to your functions.php:

if ( function_exists( ‘sharing_display’ ) ) remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘sharing_display’, 19 );

Before this:

//Post Thumbnail


5. Is it possible to disable the fade effect on the images at front page ?

A: Add this to your stylesheet:

.lay1 > div .imgwrap{opacity:1!important;}


6. How do I hide the post date and comment counter from the front page posts?

A: Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

.block_comm, .date_meta{display:none;}


7. How does one disable the ‘Leave a reply’ from all posts?

A: Open up single.php and page.php and remove this line:
<div><?php comments_template(”,true); ?></div>
8. how can i remove the number below the slider?
A: Add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

9. Any way to increase the number of slides beyond 10?
A: open up easyslider.php and replace this line:



10. How can i make the slider become image clickable?
A: Open up easyslider.php and replace this line:

<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
<a href=”<?php echo $trtdata; ?>”><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>


11. Why is the slider texts “Uppercased”? How do I make them normal?

A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

body #slider .slider-content h2 a, body #slider .slider-content a, body .slider-content p{text-transform:none!important;}


The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Triton Lite Triton PRO
For Life
One time payment
Skins 1 Unlimited
(Ability to change the color of almost all the elements)
Fonts 3 12
Layouts 1 3
Slider 1 2
Background Color/image



Background patterns 2 8
Shortcodes 5 20
Widgets 3 8
Widget Areas 3 3
Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu
Page Templates 3 3
Upload LOGO



Social Share buttons/Numbered Page Navigation



Related Posts



Google Analytics



Threaded comments/Separated Comments & Trackbacks



IE6/ IE7 Browser Upgrade Alert!



Fancy lightbox



Full Email support



Forum support



Upgrade to PRO

  • Hey, great theme – I’m just having some trouble with my portfolio page – I’ve uploaded multiple images and were hoping the thumbnails would fill all 3 columns of the page, but they’re all stacking in one column on the left.

    Any way I can solve this?

    • can you share the page link?

  • Hi and many thanks for the exact theme I was looking for. Unfortunately I may have missed something: some of my articles image dont show at welcome page, and moreover, some show the image from another post. I think I missed something in associating logo to post as I can see in that one can display at front page images not contained in post. How could I fix that ? Thank you for your answer.

    • Use the featured image option:

    • that was it. Thanks 🙂

    • Hi again. I understand that featured image will be displayed at front page. But however, I guess that default image is the first in the article ? All my articles have images, but not all display at front (no image). I tried to remove and reinsert the image, no change. Where could that come from ?

    • Just checked your site. its strange. not sure why its happening. 😐

    • ok. could you tell me where the front page get’s thumbnail from ? I could check in the tables what’s wrong. I have to confess that the current blog is an import from a previous one: perhaps the import process failed somewhere. Thanks for your help.

    • If there is a featured image the front page post shows that, if not it check whether there is a image inside the post content and shows that, if not, it shows the default camera photo.

    • Triton theme deals with images attached to posts (when not featured). But on my blog, images are _rarely_ attached to posts. 280 over 300 are unattached: that’s why they wont show up in Triton front page. I ended up with a first fix, hacking the theme files ( functions.php, layout1.php and lib/includes/widget.php) to take that fourth option into account: “if not featured, nor attached, please parse post to find img/src”. You can look at the result, all images will show know 🙂

    • good call.

  • I am looking for a theme that I can create custom menus, do a login page for premium area and a registration page. Can I do that with this great theme of yours? if not can you advice me how to go about. Thanks regards

    • You will have to use a membership plugin or custom registration plugin.

  • Na czerwonym dywanie Matka Boska co zgodność z rzeczywistością później lubi błyszczeć, wprawdzie obecnie w sukienkach od najlepszych projektantów. Jeśli aura sprzyja, sukienki do w samej rzeczy delikatnej i zwiewnej sukienki zupełnie być zdatnym

  • Thanks for your diligent help to all of us. Question: the pictures I’ve placed in my blog posts just started jumping around when I hover over them…any idea why this happens?

    • Ah! I fixed it. I had messed with the css for the posts somehow.

  • Wystarczy zaczesać pióra do tyły, trochę potarmosić tudzież scalić byle zbyć gumką aż do . Można je wnosić nie ale wręcz od chwili wielkiego dzwonu,ale i jako sukienki.

  • Wystarczy zaczesać kłaki aż do tyły, nieco potarmosić natomiast powiązać źle gumką aż do . Można je przenosić nie ale wręcz od wielkiego dzwonu,ale plus jako sukienki.

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