Scylla ProPremium WordPress Theme

Scylla Pro is a wordpress 3 theme with unlimited skins, 12 fonts, 2 slider, 5 layouts & easy to use theme option panel.

  • Hello
    I always had a problem with the slider., When I add one second slider, the first disappears from view. Why? It should not be possible to have featured four sliders?
    Thank you!

    • Go to Scylla Options> Slider and make sure the number of slides is more than 1.

  • how to fix the Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter, Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!

    • whats wrong with the them?they should work fine.

  • is there any way to make the social buttons in the header slightly larger?

    • sorry thats not possible.

  • I’m having trouble with YouTube, Vimeo and Soundcloud embeds. When readers open a page, they see any pictures that I’ve embedded, but they have to refresh the page to be able to see any videos (YouTube, etc.) or Soundcloud audio embeds. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of browser or computer is used. I’ve tried it with several different browsers/computers, but to no avail. Can you assist?

    • I just checked some of pages of your site. I played some videos and soundcloud songs. they are working just fine. I didnt have any issues.

  • Hi Towfiq, I am using your Scylla Pro template and since a few days my fontsize changed. When you see my site you can also see that the page header is not correct on the page… it disapears almost.
    Can you tell me where i can change the fontsize myself? Greetings!

  • Hey! I’d like to change the layout of the pages in this layout. I’m using layout 1 for the frontpage and I want the category pages to look like the frontpage or like one of the other layouts you have. How can I do that? Thank you 🙂

    • Are you using the pro version? or lite?

    • I’m using the Pro version of Scylla.

    • you will need to upload a category.php which I have to send you. Contact me through this page:

  • How do I insert my featured image on my “recent posts” section on my sidebar?

    • you can’t do that. you will have to use a third party recent widget plugin.

  • I finally set my site logo image, but I want it to stretch across the screen at the top. How could I stop it from having a margin on the left? Site is

    • As well as at the top*

    • I am only seeing margin on right. just add this to your img style


  • Hi! I want all my links inside posts to appear underlined. What do I have to do?

    • add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

      .single_page_post p a:link, .single_page_post p a:visited{text-decoration:underline;}

  • I don’t understand why there are social media share buttons on the slider. Why would people want to share blog posts they’ve never seen before? How do I remove the social media share buttons from the slider?

    • Also, I went into the slider options and unchecked “Show sharing button.” Every time I update the page, the “Show sharing button” automatically rechecks itself.

    • The theme doesnt add share buttons in slider. Its being added by the “Simple Social Buttons” that you installed.

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