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Asteria Lite: Free WordPress Theme

Home Forums Asteria Lite: Free WordPress Theme

  • #391880

    MainStreet Lansing


    Towfiq: Thanks for the Asteria theme. I posted once before and then included my email which you so graciously deleted for me. Thank you so much!
    Anyway: I read all the way through the documentation and have tried to follow the directions. These are my issues in addition to the slider not working.
    1. Have tried all this in Firefox; tried slider change in Firefox and Chrome. I have not tried IE.
    2. Slider will not allow me to put on any image. I do not see a button or anything that says “Add New”. There is an “add slide” button at the bottom after all the information. If I click on that or upload, nothing happens. I put a title in; still nothing.
    3. Header MAIN STEET LANSING and LANSING IA – how can I change fonts? Cannot find anywhere to change those. I have tried in typography logo and nothing changes.
    4. Color change on sidebar will not stay (even though I switch it and save and publish.
    5. Can’t change color of titles on Recent Posts Widget on SideBar
    6. Can’t move elements on Front Page
    7. I downloaded from Asteria as a zip and then uploaded it and not from the email link so I don’t know if that makes a difference and the file was corrupted or what.. The email went to my junk mail so I did not see it until today. I thought about trying to reinstall it from that email but it says the link has expired.
    Our website is: if you want to look at it. Thanks again!!


    MainStreet Lansing


    I am new to Word Press and am trying to change a Website that was created using your theme: Asteria Lite. I upgraded to Pro for more versatility. I have made many changes but somehow I deleted the main slide on the front page. I have gone to Appearance/AsteriaOptions/Slider. I have put in a title but the buttons do not seem to work. I click on ADD Slide and nothing happens. I click on Upload and nothing happens. Can I choose an image from the media library? How can I get 1-3 slides on the slider for the top of the front page when I can get nothing to load? I am doing this is a volunteer for an organization and working from home.

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