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Turkish characters and writings on the image

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Turkish characters and writings on the image

  • #123271



    Your theme is really good. Thank you.

    On the slider, some writings seems with green font and some of them seems good. Why can it be?

    Site is under maintenance mode, but you can see it by those 2 examples;

    And Turkish characters looks like wrong. So, how can I change font to compatible to Turkish?

    The last question is;

    How can I add gallery to different pages? And If I don’t want to have a gallery, only show 1-2 images, do I need to add a gallery for that too?

    Thanks for answers.




    Turkish character problem is okay. I deleted “wp_enqueue_style(‘customfont2′,get_template_directory_uri().’/fonts/opensans-light.css’, ‘open_sans’ );” line from functions.php, it is okay now. I need;


    On the slider, some writings seems with green font and some of them seems good. Why can it be?

    Site is under maintenance mode, but you can see it by those 2 examples;

    and my gallery (not at the homepage) stays at loading bar. I read other topics about that but I haven’t found a solution yet



    My gallery problem continues. If you have any idea, please share it.

    But I solved the font problem for slider. For information to other users about the font problem;

    At the slider, we can choose 3 font types. If we select 1st one, the green colours come to our font. If we don’t select anyone of them, it is normal but small.



    Problem is that when I use gallery for a page;

    I deleted and re-create gallery again and again. But it doesn’t work for that. I use short code. Do I need to use a different way?


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?

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