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The "Show Next and Previous Posts" option is not working properly

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite The "Show Next and Previous Posts" option is not working properly

  • #380827


    many thanks for sharing this wonderful theme.

    The “Show Next and Previous Posts” option does not show the posts with the correct order.
    For example, if you go to a post the above option shows “Previous Post” the next post
    instead of showing “Next Post” and vice versa.

    Thank you in advance.


    Towfiq I.


    can you send me a page link where I can see this?




    Good day,

    Unfortunately the site now is on localhost,will be uploaded within the next month.

    Thank you for the prompt reply.


    Towfiq I.


    let me know when the site is up..




    I am using 4 blocks on the front page, but I have been finding that they don’t always all load properly. Sometimes all 4 load, other times just 3, but it’s not always the same 3 that load. If I refresh I can usually get all 4 to appear but the problem is potential clients don’t know to do that and could be missing one of my blocks. Any thoughts on how to resolve this? The site is




    Sorry my previous post was supposed to be a new topic.

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