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Social Buttons, and other things.

Home Forums Free Theme Support Triton Lite Social Buttons, and other things.

  • #106291

    Elie Platt

    Hey on the Triton lite preview there’s like little social buttons in the top right. How do you add those? I figured they would be in the menu option but they aren’t 🙁

    Widget for Links
    Is there a way to make a subject nav widget or something? Where like… Main page > Level Design > Unreal > Some Specific Level
    Where on the side of Unreal, is all the other projects, and on the side of Some Specific Level is all the other Unreal Levels, I understand this would take a considerable amount of editing every time I add a level or project but it would be nice to have.

    Widget for Contact Info
    I want a contact info page but it would be nice to add a contact info constantly on the right… I think however this can be done with the arbitrary text widget now that i think about it. . .

    Globally Disable Comments on Pages.
    Its basically just a portfolio site but ill use the blog to post new work… So I really don’t need comments practically anywhere… Yet I don’t seem to be able to turn them off.

    Post Thumbs
    Any time you make a new post its thumb is blank I found some other topics on this…

    Maximum Slider Width
    Is it documented somewhere the natural or maximum width of the slider so i can format my pictures for it in say Photoshop in advance?


    Elie Platt

    I thought I could edit to strike out things I solved… but i cant find an edit button 🙁

    I figured out the “Post Thumbs” Thing There was a thing on the Right for adding a feature pic.
    I figured out the Contact Info Thing, it was the HTML Text Widget.
    I figured out the Max Slider Width…. 900wx300h

    Still Working on:
    Comments Disable (Medium Priority)
    Social Buttons (High Priority)
    Subject Navagation (Low Priority)

    And Add to that… Is there any way to make it so the menu does not slide off the top of the page? (Low Priority)


    Towfiq I.


    1. The social links options are in Appearance> Triton Options> Social
    2. You can disable the comments by removing this line from single.php, page.php and page-full_width.php file:

    <div class="comments_template"><?php comments_template('',true); ?></div>

    3. can you elaborate on the subject navigation issue?



    I was really need these tealmptes its amazing to find that it is all free you have helped me a lot thank you and please keep it always like that