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Slider Won't Slide

Home Forums Free Theme Support Triton Lite Slider Won't Slide

  • #54150


    Hi, love the theme! Seem to be having some issues out of the blue though. My slider won’t switch slides, I have it set to 4 in the options, the slides are the correct size according to the documentation, but for whatever reason they won’t cycle through them. Could you please let me know what I can do to correct the issue? Thanks! Site:


    Towfiq I.


    Looks like a plugin conflict. try disabling all the plugins and see which one is causing this.



    I disabled all the plugins (only 4 of them) and the sliders still wouldn’t work. Refreshed the browser too in case that would have any effect. Anything else I can try?


    Towfiq I.


    hmm.. looks like enabled the plugin again.. can you disable all the plugins again and keep it like that and then let me know?



    Ok, I’ve deactivated all the plugins.


    Towfiq I.


    the plugin “Radykal fancy gallery” is still there. try disabling it.



    Everything on my plugins page reads “Activate”, including the fancy gallery, it’s disabledā€¦


    Towfiq I.


    are you sure? because I still see this being loaded in your site:

    <!-- Style Sheets -->
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='' />
    <!-- Javascript Files -->
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
    <!-- Calling the plugin -->
    <script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(document).ready(function($){
      $ = jQuery.noConflict();
    	  backgroundColor: '#F5F5F5', 
    	  titleColor: '#383634', 
    	  thumbWidth: 140, 
    	  thumbHeight: 79,
    	  thumbOpacity: 0.6, 
    	  imagesPerPage: 6, 
    	  titleHeight: 20, 
    	  borderThickness: 3,
    	  rowOffset: 15, 
    	  columnOffset: 15, 
    	  shadowOffset: 0, 
    	  textFadeDirection: 'normal', 
    	  shadowImage: '',
    	  hoverImage: '',
    	  hoverImageEffect: 'fade',
    	  navPosition: 'bottom', 
    	  selectAlbum: '', 
    	  dropdown: 1, 
    	  divider: 1, 
    	  showTitle: 0, 
    	  slideTitle: 1,
    	  inverseHoverEffect: 0,
    	  secondThumbnail: 0,
    	  timthumbUrl: '',  
    	  timthumbParameters: '&zc=1&f=2', 
    	  allMediasSelector: '', 
    	  albumSelection: 'dropdown',
    	  navigation: 'arrows', 
    	  navStyle: 'white', 
    	  navAlignment: 'left', 
    	  navPreviousText: '<',
    	  navNextText: '>', 
    	  navBackText: 'ā†µ', 
    	  thumbnailTransition: 'fade', 
    	  lightbox: 'prettyphoto', 
    	  boxOptions: { theme: 'pp_default', allow_resize: 1 , overlay_gallery: 1, autoplay_slideshow: 0, deeplinking: 0  },
    	  columns: 0,
    	  dropdownTheme: 'white',
    	  showOnlyFirstThumbnail: 0,
    	  mediaText: 'Media',
    	  borderColor: '#cccccc',
    	  inlineGalleryOptions: {width: '100%', height: '500', youtubeParameters: '&showinfo=1&autoplay=1', vimeoParameters: 'autoplay=1', showFirstMedia: 0},
    	  thumbnailSelectionOptions : {layout: 'default', width: 250, height: 150},
    	  albumDescriptionPosition: 'top'


    On my dashboard, under plugins, it says it’s disabledā€¦ I’m not sure how else I can disable it, I haven’t touched any of the codeā€¦ would I have to delete it from each pages code?


    Towfiq I.


    thats very weird. can you send me the code of your header.php file?



    Ok, that jogged my memory of adding some code in the header. I removed that code and the slider works fine now. The only thing that sucks about that is now the gallery (that I unfortunately paid for) doesn’t work. Do you have any suggestions on galleries that are compatible with the theme? I have three galleries that need to be put up and I do like a lightbox type of optionā€¦.. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Towfiq I.


    so, when you add a gallery with that plugin, the slider breaks right?

    add a gallery in your post and share the link here.



    That’s the thingā€¦ I can’t add a gallery without adding the code in the header. Technically the galleries are still there, but once I removed that code from the header it wouldn’t work. I think I need to figure out how to maybe enter the code in the header of each page I have for the gallery, but I’m not that familiar with wordpress for doing that. I signed in through my FTP thinking maybe I could find somewhere there, but I’m afraid I’m lost.



    For example, this page should have images, but nothing shows up:


    Towfiq I.


    are you adding the code in the header.php manually?





    Towfiq I.


    post the code here…