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Slide doesn't work responsive / coments on pages

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Slide doesn't work responsive / coments on pages

  • #158881



    First of all, thanks for that amazing theme, it is just I was looking for.
    I’ve customized the theme according to my needs and I have two problems. I was looking for the answers in the forum but I didn’t find it.
    (My site is: )

    1. In some screens, the text of the slide doesn’t appears correctly. For example, if I reduce the size of the windows, the web adapts of that size without problems, but the slide doesn’t. The pictures of the slide adapts according to the responsive design, but the text appears below the pics.

    2. I want to desactivate the comments in pages. How can I do that?

    Thank you so much for the help!



    Sorry, my site is:

    Thanks ^^)


    Towfiq I.


    1. Go to Slider Options and set the height to “auto”

    2. only on pages? or from all the pages/posts of your site? if its only from pages, then open up page.php and page-full_width.php and remove this:

                        <div class="comments_template">
                            <?php comments_template('',true); ?>


    Thank you so much, everything is fixed!

    I have the last question 🙂
    I want to buy the pro version, do you have a tutorial or something to upload the theme correctly? I don’t want to lose all the changes.



    Towfiq I.


    if you have made any changes via Appearance> Editor your changes will be lost after update. All other things will be same.

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