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Sider not loading in Firefox*

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite Sider not loading in Firefox*

  • #220566


    Hi there,

    The slider on the main/ introduction page works perfectly in Chrome and Internet Explorer.

    However, when I load it in Firefox, the slider is blank and stationary.

    I haven’t been able to find a solution to this. Any help would be greatly appreciated, if possible!*



    Towfiq I.


    I just checked your site with chrome and the slider image is not loading. can you try with another image. My guess is the photo format has issue in it.



    Alright, I created a simple test image for the slider, featuring the following dimensions: 1000 x 401px (this was the size of my original slides, as well… not sure if that was optimal or not).

    On a side note, I also have coding that widens the pages (hence why the body is longer than the header with the menu and the logo). I’m not sure how to widen the header/ menu to match it with the body, but that’s a separate issue I can try and problem-solve.

    The good news! When I uploaded the new test slides, they worked. They are visible on Chrome and Firefox (at least on my end).

    May have just been one of those things where removing them/ adding them resolved the issue on its own.

    If they are visible on your end, I guess we’re all done here. I appreciate the response(s)*



    Correction: I no longer need width adjustments to the page header/ menu. I was able to reduce the body size without compromising any of the other aesthetics.

    So, if the new test slides are visible on your end in Chrome and Firefox, the problem is resolved.


    Towfiq I.


    The slider works now!



    Great! You’re a huge help (as always)! Keep up the good work*


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