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Navigation menu font size

Home Forums Free Theme Support Zenon Lite Navigation menu font size

  • #100310


    How can I change the main menu (navigation bar) font size?

    I tried to change font size and font style here:

    #topmenu ul li a{ text-decoration:none; font-size:20px; text-transform:uppercase; font-family:Arial, sans-serif;}

    But it didn’t work.

    Can you help please?



    Towfiq I.


    try this:

    body #topmenu ul li a{font-size:20px!important;}



    Fantastic! Thank you! Could you also advise me how to customize the colour of top menu? The menu is gray when not active and when you click on the page name (for example HOME) it gets red. If my company colour is say green and black, how can I change this default gray+red combination?

    Many thanks!


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?




    My site address is:

    These are things I need your help in:

    1. How to change font in the main menu, logo and tagline.

    Here is the example of the font I want:

    But I’d like to know how to use different fonts, because I am planning to use another italicized font for tagline.

    2. How to change grey+red colour scheme to other colours in the main menu and side menu.

    3. How to highlight links in my pages texts. For example, if the neutral text is grey, I want the links to be say red colour throughout the text and when you point at them they change into black. If this sounds confusing, please have a look at how links work at this web-site:

    4. How to change plain background to the texture (for example this one: SANDPAPER

    Thank you and look forward to your reply!


    Towfiq I.


    1. Download this zip file and extract it. then upload the extracted folder to your theme’s “fonts” folder:

    then add this to your functions.php:

    function zenon_other_css() { 
    if ( !is_admin() ) {
       wp_enqueue_style('london',get_template_directory_uri().'/fonts/london.css', 'london' );
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'zenon_other_css');

    Then add this to your stylesheet:
    .logo h1 a, .desc{font-family:'londonbetweenregular'}

    2. You can only do that in the PRO version.

    3. send me a page link where you added links but they are grey.

    4. Go to Appearance> Backgrounds to upload your pattern image.



    I wanted to increase the font size of my navigation menu so I have edited the style.css from:

    #topmenu ul li a:hover, .postitle a:hover, .zn_post_wrap a, #sidebar .widgets ul li a:hover, .comm_meta_reply a:hover, .logged-in-as a, #topmenu .current_page_item a{color:#D73A36;}
    body #topmenu ul li a{font-size:20px!important;}, .postitle a:hover, .zn_post_wrap a, #sidebar .widgets ul li a:hover, .comm_meta_reply a:hover, .logged-in-as a, #topmenu .current_page_item a{color:#D73A36;}

    The result is that my font size is bigger, but I seem to have lost the drop down functionality

    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    replace this:

    body #topmenu ul li a{font-size:20px!important;}, .postitle a:hover, .zn_post_wrap a, #sidebar .widgets ul li a:hover, .comm_meta_reply a:hover, .logged-in-as a, #topmenu .current_page_item a{color:#D73A36;}

    with this:

    body #topmenu ul li a{font-size:20px!important;}
    .postitle a:hover, .zn_post_wrap a, #sidebar .widgets ul li a:hover, .comm_meta_reply a:hover, .logged-in-as a, #topmenu .current_page_item a{color:#D73A36;}


    Hi! Thanks for your reply. I’ve followed all your instructions and the font did change, but not to London Between. It looked like Times New Roman. So I tried another font instead (Oxygen), but the result was the same: the Times-like font. So it seems no matter what font you add to your font folder, it changes to one and the same font. Please, can you double check if you didn’t miss anything in your instructions, please?


    Towfiq I.


    are you you sure you made the edits in functions.php? the font is not being loaded…



    Hey Towfiq,

    I am using Zenon lite, I am not able to increase navigation menu font size, I tried to locate above fix line but it did not help, Please help!

    Any idea from where I can upload favicon for my blog? Thanks in advance, dude.


    Towfiq I.


    @Vaibhavi please press ctrl+f5 couple of times to see the change,



    I tried the above help for changing the navigation menu font size and it didn’t work. I tried the ctrl+f5 a few times as well and still no luck! Any help would be great! Thanks!


    Towfiq I.


    Malbeline whats your site address?

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