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Link the homepage blocks?

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Link the homepage blocks?

  • #71757


    Hi! Can I link the homepage blocks to a specific post? So interesting Theme man! U can check my website on



    Towfiq I.


    by looking at your site, looks like you already figured this out. You can just manually add the link to your block from the theme options page 🙂



    I’m having trouble doing this, do I add the link using the text tab and then add my link? When I go to save nothing happens and I end up with the current static image. Is this feature available in the lite version?


    Towfiq I.


    the way you added the links to your blocks is the correct and only way to add links to your blocks.



    Thanks man are you able to link to sub pages or just posts? I am still unable to link.


    Towfiq I.


    you can manually link anything. Are we talking about the same blocks?

    You are talking about the blocks under the slider right?



    Yes the blocks under the slider is what I’m talking about. I got rid of all but one so I can just try to get that working before I have more on the page.

    under the Asteria Options > Frontpage I selected the text tab then inserted the link to my about page

    I save it and when you look at the site the block does not link to my page. Thank you for the continued support I really appreciate the help.


    Towfiq I.


    you can’t add the link to the title. You will have to add some text and link the text manually in block1 textarea.



    Thanks Towfiq I’ll give that a try



    That worked appreciate the help!!!

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