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Issue with header after upgrde to 1.0.3

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Issue with header after upgrde to 1.0.3

  • #459648


    I have just updated to asteria pro 1.0.3 and since the upgrade i have lost some of my custom CSS (Silly me for not backing it up first)
    managed to change my footer back on my internal pages however on my homepage I have the header white/grey. with blue menu text.

    On my site pages for example about, the header is the same colour has the page background where previously it was the same as the homepage.
    i was looking through the editor but i can’t seem to find what i am looking for to change it.

    Thank you in advance


    Towfiq I.


    Whats your site address?



    Towfiq I.


    Actually what happened is it has been reset to header type 1 which doesnt have a background color. You can change the background color from Asteria Options> Basic> Header Type and set header type to “Header Type 4”





    I do believe it was set to header one before the update however I must have added a background to header. thank you now I know where the issue lies.

    love the theme and great support. thank you


    Towfiq I.


    Heather I would be grateful if you could Rate this theme on 🙂

    Asteria Lite


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