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Issue with Google Plus

Home Forums Misc. General Forums Issue with Google Plus

  • #12548




    When I enter the URL to my Google Plus page in the Social section I noticed that I keep getting an error message (after saving the social settings, going on the website and clicking on g+).

    I realized that the PRO theme adds a > at the end of my Google Plus URL (without me putting it there). I keep resetting the social page and entering the URL, but every time the > shows up.

    Please let me know what to do.

    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    shoot! I though I’ve fixed this bug…

    To fix it, Go to Appearance> Editor and select “header.php” and replace this line:

    <li class="soc_plus"><a title="Google Plus" target="_blank" href="<?php echo of_get_option('gpsoc_text'); ?>>">Google Plus</a></li><?php } ?>


    <li class="soc_plus"><a title="Google Plus" target="_blank" href="<?php echo of_get_option('gpsoc_text'); ?>">Google Plus</a></li><?php } ?>




    That worked. Thanks!