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How to download theron lite pro

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite How to download theron lite pro

  • #259968


    I up graded to theron lite pro but I can’t download the file in wordpress…
    I’m working on mac. This is how I did :
    1/ I downloaded the theron lite pro file on my mac
    2/ I went on wordpress, appearance, theme menu
    3/ I selected “add” and went to the downloaded theron lite file ….
    BUT when I want to select the file I can’t…I only can open it and select one of the file inside…How can I do?
    As you see I’m really a beginner…Than you so much in advance for your help.


    Towfiq I.


    When you are on mac, the zip file is automatically unzipped and shown as a folder. You will have to zip it again. Right click on the asteria folder and zip the file again and then upload.



    OK upgrade downloaded well, thank you… but I lost my template (every options, text, images and linked filled in the options menu) so I have to fill them again.
    One problem more I can’t access to the “personalized” options in the “appearance” menu …the URL link is like “flashing” continuously like it was searching without success…the page appears but I can’t do the changes…
    what should I do? I did not have this problem with the free version.
    Thank you in advance


    Towfiq I.


    which browser are you using?


    Towfiq I.


    which browser are you using?



    here is the browser

    and a message appears now
    Google_AuthException thrown
    Error refreshing the OAuth2 token, message: ‘

    502. That’s an error.

    The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

    Please try again in 30 seconds. That’s all we know. ‘

    thank you


    Towfiq I.


    I can’t access that link. only you can.
    can you disable all the plugins and see if that fixes the issue?




    Thank you for your help…you were right, problem resolved by disabling all the plugins

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