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  • #134427


    yes! that worked, thanks 🙂



    THANKS!!!! Very helpful !!!! 2 quick Q’s
    1) If I want to display posts from a certain category how do I edit code?
    2) If I want to place the widget within the content area, should I just copy/paste the code?

    THANKS SO MUCH! you truly are very helpful I will recommend you to anyone who asks about WP themes 100% !


    Towfiq I.


    1. Open up the file and add this(change the numbers with your category id numbers):

    'cat' => '3,7,12',

    after this:

    'post_type' => 'post',

    2. remove the </div> just above <div class="lay1"> and add a </div> just before <?php get_footer(); ?>



    thank u very much!!

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