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front page images

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite front page images

  • #513461


    Hi Towfiq,

    I am working on an asteria pro page and find out some problemsā€¦ I dont see any images on the front page, no slider images /instaled ok, with title/, no contact maps, no images in articlesā€¦ Any help? The other problem is that the menu has a submenu lists that dont scroll down on mouseoverā€¦ :/



    I have same problem. When i`m using default settings (not changing anything) theme is working fine, but changing anything, like footer text and then images are not loading.
    I see that you have fixed that on your site? Can you tell me how?

    Best regards


    Towfiq I.


    Please make sure each of your slides have titles. The title field is required.



    Hello. I’m having an issue with the slider as well. I have a title and description, but the text is not displaying on the slide. The slider was working fine until about 2 days ago as I started to customize the front page.



    Adding title and description didn`t helped.
    src=”” are empty, while using default settings has path to slider files.


    Towfiq I.


    Aaron, whats your site address? It could be a plugin conflict.




    this is my site

    how can I add a logo at the top with the company name

    Also how can I change the main slider pics and add my own

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