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  • #100373


    I have set my front page to “latest posts” as opposed to “static home page” but now when I click my “home” button on my navigation bar it will go to a regular page. I have went into my menu and added home, but still isn’t working.

    Also, how do I add a page to my site without having to put it into the navigation bar or sub menu on the navigation?

    Another quick question is how do I center my footer widgets?

    Thanks for all your help!


    Towfiq I.


    1. to add a “home” menu button to your menu. Go to Appearance> Menus and select “View All” button inside the “Pages” box from left. then add the “Home” button to your menu.

    2. whats your site address?



    Hi, can’t seem to get the static home page to load. It list ‘home’ as the front page in my list of pages. I have the home page listed as the static page in the reading sections and theme customization location. Still, the static asteria lite homepage is not linking. How do I fix this?

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