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Can Images Resize by Width And Height?

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Can Images Resize by Width And Height?

  • #414582


    I’ve noticed images resize by width (shrink the window/screen, the site with the image adapts) however, when browsing photography sites many will have tall images, say 800+px in height. On a window that is only 600px high (or a screen on a phone) this isn’t too pretty having the bottom 200px cut off.

    Would you consider adding an option to resize by height and width? It would make it a great theme for artists who have tall images to display.

    The ideal resizing would also leave an extra percent or pixel count for the height of the navigator/thumbnails so they aren’t cut off the by the screen’s edge by default. Thus the entire Gallery setup is visible without the user scrolling down to see those thumbnails.

    It’s been a lovely theme to use. Hopefully I can put some money towards your full themes soon.


    Towfiq I.


    are you talking about the slider images? or the post thumbnail image? whats your site address?



    The gallery images. Any portrait photos (height longer than width) tends to extend beyond the window. ie:
    To resize like this:

    I couldn’t figure out what to write in CSS to do it.


    Towfiq I.


    Looks like you fixed the issue. Good work 🙂



    That was actually a mockup I did in photoshop. I’m still stuck with how to change the CSS to resize.
    Apologies for the confusion.


    Towfiq I.


    Try adding this to your Custom CSS:

    .ast_gall img {max-width: 100%;width: auto;height: auto;max-height: 400px;}



    You’re a wizard! I spent forever trying to find the right container. I somehow missed this one with the right CSS. Thanks a ton. (I upped the max-height to see how big I can get the images before they tend to overreach. Thanks again for the help)

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