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Blocks on home page aren't aligned / even

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Blocks on home page aren't aligned / even

  • #181117

    Stacey J

    Hi there,
    Asteria Lite is a BEAUTIFUL theme. Thanks so much!
    One thing I’m having trouble solving is that the 4 blocks at the bottom of the page are uneven.
    I notice that the blocks appear differently on different computers. On my Mac I might seem to have them all on the same level, and then on my work PC, the far left one is higher, the second from the left one is lower, etc.

    Also, the text in the second block from the left is not centred, even though I highlighted it and clicked on the Centering format button.
    Can you help with both of these issues?



    Towfiq I.


    the heights are uneven?

    and the 2nd blocks text are centered, but you added lots of empty space after the text, thats why it doesnt look cented. while editing the block, click the “Text” tab and remove the spaces.


    Stacey J

    Hi, I took out the spaces, but the blocks were still uneven. I’ve taken out the spaces I put in so you can see the problem.
    The challenge is that the text in each block varies in # of lines. Two blocks have 3 lines of text, one block has 2 lines of text and the 4th block has 4 lines of text. The featured image below each block text goes right below the image, thus the uneven images. How do I make all the images justify so they are even across the page?
    Thanks very much!


    Towfiq I.


    There are still lots of empty spaces. While editing the blocks text fields click the “Text” mode and remove the unwanted  



    Problem – can’t send a proper response to you – keep getting this error message.
    ERROR: Your reply cannot be created at this time.
    Can you help?



    Towfiq I.


    try logging in and out.


    Stacey J

    I can’t find where to create a profile on your site. Can you send me a link?
    When I click on the Log In button in the top right corner of the page, it assumes I already have a profile and doesn’t provide a link to create a profile if I don’t already.



    Towfiq I.


    your profile will be automatically created after purchasing a theme. free theme users can’t create a profile.



    OK, so I can’t solve this problem, since this is the forum for Asteria Lite.
    I’ve continually tried to resubmit my questions via the forum, but they just won’t submit.
    I re-emailed you my questions today. If you can answer them, that would be tremendously helpful.
    Thanks very much,

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