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Blocks on front page as links?

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Blocks on front page as links?

  • #80517



    I really enjoy the blocks and think that they look great but the only way I can seem to get a link in there is through just adding a link to the text itself. And at that point, just the text will link me to the other page. I was hoping to have the entire block be a link so they can click anywhere. Is there a way to get the whole block to be a link? I’m not sure if there is a div attribute that can do this or not.

    Thank you,



    I’m sorry to have bothered. I thought I had hit all the resources I knew. I have been able to get this working with adding inside the scope of the div tags.

    Thank you,



    Hi Matt, how did you do it?

    I’ve been looking for an answer to this and everyone keeps saying you can only link the text…


    Towfiq I.


    Teej with the new version of the theme you can now add individual links to your blocks from The blocks settings page.

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