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blocks and LayerSlider wp

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite blocks and LayerSlider wp

  • #117457


    I would like to create a home page with a slider in full weight and three blocks under it. i don’t understand if the blocks work only if i choose the option ‘latest post’ as starting page. is it possible to work with the blocks selecting ‘static page’ as home page? Also, i ‘d like to use ‘LayerSlider WP’ instead ‘metaslider’ in my front page. May i get it?



    Now i succeded to get my home page with blocks and LayerSlider wp. I tried to insert the layerslider wp as fullwidth slayer into a widget space. It works, but the slider is not properly on the top of the page just under the header, but a bit lower. Is there a proper alternative way to get a home page with Layerslider and the blocks under it? Thank you (thanks also for documentation you sent to me)



    adm… please i need a little help. i see you answered at some posts younger then mine… can you tell me something about layerslider wp positioning into a front page? thanks in advance


    Towfiq I.


    is layer slider wp a widget? do they provide a shortcode? php code? anything other than a widget?



    layer slider wp is a wordpress slider plugin,
    provide a shortcode and (i mean) php code


    Towfiq I.


    what code do they provide? it should be a one line code. post it here.



    From wp layerslider documentation:

    Inserting the slider with shortcode

    You can place your sliders into pages and posts with their shortcodes. You can find the shortcode for each slider in this page next to their names in the list view. To insert the slider, edit a page or post and insert its shortcode into the WordPress text editor.

    Inserting the slider with the LayerSlider WP widget

    LayerSlider WP supports widgets, so you can place your slider in your front-end page just by a drag n’ drop. To do that, navigate to the Appearance menu on your left sidebar and select “Widgets”. Grab the LayerSlider WP Widget and drop it into one of your widget area.

    Please note that some themes may not support a widget area what you need. In this case, you can create a new widget area by editing your theme files. Here is the official documentation about widgetizing your theme.

    Calling the slider from your theme files

    Because a slider can be an integral part of your site, you may want to place it into your theme files. There is a PHP function with filtering options which you can call for example from the header.php file of your theme and it inserts your slider into your home page or certail other pages depending on your filtering settings. Here is the function definition:

    layerslider ( mixed $sliderID [, string $pages] )

    The $sliderID parameter can be found on the plugin page in the slider list view at the first table column.

    The $pages parameter is a comma separated list of pages either by name or the ID of the pages. If you are unsure about your page names or IDs, look at their URL, it is the last component.

    There is a special page name, the “homepage”, with you can filter LayerSlider WP to display the slider on your home page. It is also works if you set up a static custom page instead of the default post listing.

    The follwing examples are all valid, you can use either of these, you can even mix them on your own needs:

    <?php layerslider(1); ?> // Displays the first slider on every page
    <?php layerslider(1, ‘homepage’); ?> // Displays the first slider only on your home page
    <?php layerslider(1, ‘my-custom-post-title’); ?> // Displays the first slider on a custom page by name
    <?php layerslider(2, ‘1369’); ?> // Diplays the second slider on a custom page by ID
    <?php layerslider(3, ‘homepage,about-us,1234’); ?> // Displays the third slider on multiple pages

    It is important when you want to insert a slider to check its ID on the LayerSlider WP slider list page. When you removes some sliders, their IDs won’t be reindexed and the sequence may broke up. This is important to keep persistent your sliders preventing unwanted changes on the already inserted ones.


    Towfiq I.


    open up index.php and add this:

    <?php layerslider(1, ‘homepage’); ?>

    after this:

    <div id="slidera">



    ok, seems that it works well. thanks a lot, adm

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