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Beautify my Galleries above images

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Beautify my Galleries above images

  • #164164


    How (and where) can I change the layout of the gallery so it shows the image-bar above my image instead of below my image.


    Towfiq I.


    share the page link where you added the gallery.



    That’s not possible because the website is “under construction”.
    I know how to add photo’s to a gallery.
    When I look at my page it is showing a large photo and below that photo the imagebar with my other photo’s in that gallery is shown.

    I would like to place the imagebar above the large picture instead of below.
    I think it requires a change in the code, but I don’t know where.


    Towfiq I.


    Open up gallery.js file from asteria/js folder and then replace this line:

    jQuery(".thn_post_wrap .gallery").prepend("<div class='ast_gall'><img class='gall_loader' src='"+galleryloadergif+"' /></div>");

    with this:

    jQuery(".thn_post_wrap .gallery").append("<div class='ast_gall'><img class='gall_loader' src='"+galleryloadergif+"' /></div>");



    I cannot get my gallery to display the images above a gallery bar or below! It only shows when I click on them in a pop up. how can I accomplish this….please help



    above query is {resolved} thank you for the platform to ask questions

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