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adding content

Home Forums Free Theme Support Triton Lite adding content

  • #93633


    Trying to add content/edit middle and right column below slider but can’t figure out how?



    Should add, I’m using triton pro.


    Towfiq I.


    are you trying to add posts? I am not sure what you are trying to achieve.. whats your site address?



    Basically it looks as though the theme has three columns for content below the slider and I can’t figure out to add content in those blocks to the right. Right now, I’ve added the ‘about us’ as a post, but I’d rather do it as an actual page and link through from the home page. That’s the end goal for all three of those columns.



    Towfiq I.


    instead of page, try addig posts. the frontpage blocks display latest posts.



    Thanks, unfortunately, that doesn’t really help. If I add another post, is replaces the “about us” w/ the most recent post w/ a scroll feature to cycle through posts… I need to be able to fill the other two columns w/ content.

    Sorry for being a pain in the butt, thanks for the help.



    It would also be helpful if I could do something to be able to link the the whole pictures to pages.


    Towfiq I.


    this is how the theme was made. it shows the recent posts on frontpage.