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Add Link Category To Sidebar

Home Forums Free Theme Support Scylla Lite Add Link Category To Sidebar

  • #88112


    I can’t seem to add a new link category to my sidebar. I see the “2014 Interviews” listed under “Link Categories”. When I created my most recent post, I added “2014” under the parent category “Past Interviews” which is how I have my 2008 thru 2013 categories set up. Yet, when I go to “Widgets” and try to add “Links” to the sidebar “2014 Interviews” isn’t one of the options in the dropdown menu. Help, please! My website is




    Towfiq I.


    so you you added a Link Widget which has a title 2014 Interviews, thats not appearing? Are you sure you added it?
    Did you install any cache plugin?



    I added a new Link Category called “2014 Interviews” by going to Links>Link Categories. I mirrored how I created the “2013 Interviews” category and I can see them when I open the Link Categories tab on the dashboard. However when I take a Link Widget and drag it to the sidebar, the dropdown menu does not include 2014 Interviews as an option.
    Any thoughts on what might be causing this and how I can resolve it? Is there a limit on the number of Link Categories? I only have 14, with seven of them currently in use.
    Thanks in advance!



    Towfiq I.


    Not sure whats causing this. Can you send me your site’s id/pass through this link and let me see from the backend:




    I sent that to you. Any luck figuring out the problem?




    Towfiq I.


    looks like you do not have any item in your “2014” interviews. please add posts in this link category and then try adding the widget to the sidebar.

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