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A few bugs that could easily be fixed.

Home Forums Free Theme Support Epione A few bugs that could easily be fixed.

  • #90631

    Harley Torrisi

    First I’d like to start by saying how much I appreciate this free theme so when I critique this them, I’m not being demanding 🙂

    First off, there is a share button for Google buzz. To my understanding, this is dead and no longer active. Google+ button needs to take its place.
    The customized login functionality is broken, I had to remove the code so it looked clean.

    The last thing “which isn’t a bug” buy rather a request. The popular posts widget randomly chooses its image. I would liek to be able to make that choice some how, or it use that “last” dated image added to post.

    Thank you for reading this, much appreciated


    Towfiq I.


    @harley you should avoid using epione. As its out of date. please try another theme.


    Harley Torrisi

    Do you know of a free theme that has the same sort of style. I like the colour sets and texture.

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