Amphion LiteFree WordPress Theme

Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.
  • Unique Homepage With Slider.
  • 2 fantastic skins.
  • 2 custom widgets.
  • 2 easy to use shortcodes.
  • 2 WordPress 3.0 Menus.
  • Mult-Level Dropdown Menu.
  • Social buttons to submit posts to Facebook, Twitter,
  • Stumble upon, Digg, Google Buzz!
  • Awesome fonts.
  • Easy to use theme options.
  • Gravatar Support.
  • 3 custom page template
  • Fancy lightbox
  • IE6 Browser Upgrade Alert!
  • Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
  • Threaded comments support.
  • Valid XHTML/CSS3.
  • Well-written documentation
  • No hidden, paid or sponsored links in the theme.
  • One Click Install. No plugin required.


  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 9+
  • Netscape 6+

version 1.8
+ Slider item was disappearing when the slider category name had 2 words.(fixed)
+ Blocks disappearing issue solved.(fixed)
+ Featured Image support for all posts.(fixed)
+ Fancybox images were stretched in Chrome and Safari.(fixed)
+ Some Minor CSS fix.
version 1.7
+ Initial Release

1. How do I make the text of the site darker?

Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:

#sidebar .widgets ul li a, #single_posts .post_mid, #sidebar .widgets, #sidebar .widgets, #latest_posts .post_mid, #latest_posts .post_meta a, #latest_posts_full .post_mid, #latest_posts_full .post_meta a, #single_posts .post_meta a, .amp_page, .amp_next, .amp_prev, .footage ul li, .footage ul li a, .copy_content, .copy_content a, #footmenu, #footmenu ul li a, #comment, #single_posts #related a{color:#333!important;}
2. Where is the Summary Field of the slider? Why don’t I see it?

A: In wordpress 3.1 the custom field option is disabled on default. To enable the custom field feature go to Posts > Add New . In the post editor page at the very top click on the “Screen Options” button. Now make sure “Custom Field” option is checked.

Check this screenshot:


3. The images inside the lightbox is being stretched when viewed by Safari Browser, How do I fix this?

A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet(style.css):

#fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}

The theme is released under GNU General Public License, version 2.

Amphion Lite Amphion PRO
For Life
One time payment
Skins 2 7
Fonts 2 10
Slider 1 3
Shortcodes 2 5
Widgets 3 8
Widget Areas Sidebar Widgets/ Footer Widgets Sidebar Widgets/ Footer Widgets
Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu 2 Menu Positions/ 3 Level Drop-down Menu
Page Templates 3 3
Upload LOGO



Social Share buttons/Numbered Page Navigation



Related Posts



Threaded comments



IE6/ IE7 Browser Upgrade Alert!



Fancy lightbox



Full Email support



Forum support



Upgrade to PRO

  • can i change the background color? I can’t find in CSS where to do that ?

  • Hello,

    I also really like the theme, I’ve got a question do, the menu position at the top is at the right.

    Is there a option to get this to the left instead of to the right? It would really improve the visibility,

    Thanks in advance,

    Regards, Glen.

    • Go to Appearance> Editor and select stylesheet. Find this line:

      .menu-header {float: right;}

      and replace it with:

      .menu-header {float: left; margin-top:10px;}

  • Great! Thanks

  • add this for a black background
    on line #13 in stylesheetcss

    body { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #000000; }

  • hi wanted to know how I can add a banner to the header and try to accommodate from css style background image and not take it.

    through the template is good

  • Great theme! One question… how can I remove the black bubble with the number of comments from the posts and the blocks on the front page – or maybe have it only show up when there is at least 1 comment and not show up when there are 0 comments.


    • care to share how you found the CSS for a custom banner?

    • I edited the header.php file. At the bottom of that php file in the section, within the <a href=" tag, I put my and it appeared in the header of my blog. It took some trial and error to re-size and make it look right, but I got the look I was going for.

      Good luck!

  • Very Nice Themes, i want to use them of one of my blog, thank you!

  • somebody can help me?

    • what do you need help with?

  • hi wanted to know how I can add a banner to the header and try to accommodate from css style background image and not take it.

    • To add custom banner create one with either Photoshop or GIMP and upload to Photobucket or any other photo hosting of your choice . Then go to dashboard>Apperance>Editor>Header.php and at the bottom of the header.php file you will see

      <a href="
      This is what mine looks like

      if you want you can copy this exact code into your Header.php and replace my URL with yours and replace my banner location to yours , and make sure to delete the code directly after the or the blogname will show up under the banner

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+ To post your code, wrap your code with this <pre lang="LANGUAGE" line="1"></pre>

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