Amphion LiteFree WordPress Theme

Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.

  • i still cannot seem to get the summary text to show. there is NO summary field when i create or edit a post. there is a featured image field, but nothing for summary. how do i add this?

    • If it is not created automatically you can create it yourself. Under the editor there is a box “Custom Fields”. Select summary from dropdown menu and write something in the text field right next to it. Now click on “Add Custom Field” button.

    • I have the same problem and the “Custom fields” box doesn’t show under the editor. Still not sure how to fix this.

  • I’m having some trouble with this. I’ve set a featured image and it looks great in the slider, but for some reason the “popular posts” widget has the default image of the camera instead of the thumbnail. something I’m doing wrong?

  • Actually it gets worse. If I set a feature image to a post, it works in the slider but not the homepage blocks or “popular posts”. Then if i add an image into the post content, it uses the “feature image” to populate the blocks and widgets but not the one i added. Then if i remove the feature image, the blocks remain (using the now-removed feature image) but the slider image disappears.
    This is insanely frustrating.

    • Download the latest version. The blocks image is fixed in this version.

      As for the popular posts, it only shows images if the post has an image attached to it(not featured posts). I am going to improve the functionality of the popular posts widget in future.

  • thanks for your response Towfiq. I left a response but it doesn’t look like you noticed it so i’ll re-post:

    I did as you instructed and nothing has changed. For reference, this is a screenshot of what the page looks like:

    and the bottom of the stylesheet code:

    but it looks normal in the Visual preview (and that’s also what I want the text to do):

    thanks again.

  • how can i get rid of the black comment box on the top right hand side of my popular posts on the home page?

    also, my question before about the quick summary. i don’t see the custom fields box you mention. what editor are you referring to?

    • It should be under the post editor. If it is not check this link:

    • So, really… how DO you remove the little black comment bubbles on Amphion Lite?

    • Ha! Got it. In the file blocks.php, remove this code from all four block sections:

      post_password)) { ?>

    • Nomad did you manage to get rid of the black comment bubbles. Every time i do what you suggested it mucks everything up. Any suggestions?

  • Just wondering if we can use an image in place of the header

    • No Shannon not possible.

  • Sorry, last time bugging you I promise. Thanks for your help; the version update did the trick.

    The blocks are set to a certain category but often contain duplicates due to several categories being used for some entries. Can these blocks be set to retrieve just the 4 newest entries instead of set by category? I’d like to keep them because they look nice and catch attention. Thanks again.

    • Adam Go to Appearance > Editor and click the “blocks.php” from right. Now replace the code with this page’s code:

      And if you like this theme, Rate It:

    • Hi Towfiq

      I did replace the code but the same problem continue, 3 blocks are same category came plz fix it.

    • In version 1.5 there is a option to fix the blocks issue. Just go to Amphion Options and in the front-page tab look for :

      My blocks are not working properly, fix it and check it.

    • Hi,
      Thanks for quick reply
      amphion-lite version 1.5, wordpress 3.1
      I already choose the Check box.(My blocks are not working properly, fix it and check it.) But Problem not solved plz check my site

    • Hello sir
      kindly fix my problem
      Thank you

    • Reresi When a post has multiple categories the posts from one category is shown.Try creating four blocks and four different category for them.

    • Hi
      Thanks for reply
      How to do this? (“Try creating four blocks and four different category for them.”) can you plz give me code or sample
      and plz check the link block category setting screen shot
      Thank you

    • Reresi. Notice the categories you selected for 3rd & 4th blocks are “Real Estate” & “Finance” .

      Both of these categories have this post: “Federal Reserve Board Extends Period” as the latest post.

      The 3rd and 4th blocks are only showing the latest post for “Real Estate” and “Finance”

      Give each post a single category. Meantime I will work on it to fix the category names that the blocks are showing.

    • Yes Great!. It’s working fine. Thanks for Giving Good Theme.

  • Hey,

    Great theme, thank you.

    Is there any way to select multiple categories for the slider?

    • No. But you can make a category called “featured” and add the the posts you want in your slider in that category and then select the category “featured” for the slider category.

  • I can not change the 4 boxes on the homepage, and when i tryed to they all disappeared

    • Keith what do you mean by “change them”

  • I’m having a problem with posts with galleries.

    If I use a single image in a posts, It show up fine with the
    thumbnail on the front page.

    If I use a gallery instead, there is no thumbnail.

    • It is a known issue and there is no workaround till now. Try using the featured image option.

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