Amphion Lite is a wordpress theme with 2 gorgeous skins 2 fonts and various other features.
version 1.8
+ Slider item was disappearing when the slider category name had 2 words.(fixed)
+ Blocks disappearing issue solved.(fixed)
+ Featured Image support for all posts.(fixed)
+ Fancybox images were stretched in Chrome and Safari.(fixed)
+ Some Minor CSS fix.
version 1.7
+ Initial Release
1. How do I make the text of the site darker?
Go to Appearance> Editor and select “Stylesheet” from right and add this line to the very bottom:
#sidebar .widgets ul li a, #single_posts .post_mid, #sidebar .widgets, #sidebar .widgets, #latest_posts .post_mid, #latest_posts .post_meta a, #latest_posts_full .post_mid, #latest_posts_full .post_meta a, #single_posts .post_meta a, .amp_page, .amp_next, .amp_prev, .footage ul li, .footage ul li a, .copy_content, .copy_content a, #footmenu, #footmenu ul li a, #comment, #single_posts #related a{color:#333!important;}
2. Where is the Summary Field of the slider? Why don’t I see it?
A: In wordpress 3.1 the custom field option is disabled on default. To enable the custom field feature go to Posts > Add New . In the post editor page at the very top click on the “Screen Options” button. Now make sure “Custom Field” option is checked.
Check this screenshot:
3. The images inside the lightbox is being stretched when viewed by Safari Browser, How do I fix this?
A: Add this line to the very bottom of your stylesheet(style.css):
#fancybox-img {height:auto!important;}
very interesting, will try it thans…